Any students attending Capstone Scholars this weekend?

Just curious. I’m sending our son and grandpa to visit. It’s his first time there, so hoping he’ll be able to figure out if he wants to go there or not:-) This is the last college he’s had a chance to visit.

Hope they have a wonderful visit! ROLL TIDE! Within an hour of stepping on campus, my son knew it was the best place for him :slight_smile:

Well UA moved up on his list but not to the #1 spot. Darn. He did really enjoy his visit though…and the BBQ:-)

Has he gotten all his FA offers, @Rdtsmith? UA sometimes shoots ahead when the final decision becomes a “value” proposition, as in loans or no loans to graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Good luck making that final decision!

It’s the FA that makes UA so attractive among other things! He’s still waiting on two Regular Decision schools. I don’t know if it’s from sense of duty or that he put all the work into those other applications or what, but I understand that. My S is SO methodical and I’m sure wants all the offers on the table at once to compare and ponder over to include the FA offers. I’m hoping by then he has had some time to think and will make the best decision for him.

Going forward with Bama (deposits) does not prevent a student from looking at “all offers on the table”. Students do this all the time. They deposit to keep their housing options open…but then in the spring they look at all the offers on the table…and then decide. Bama often comes out on top.

Don’t worry…deposits are done:-) All of us agreed on that no question that it was the smart thing to do!