Any thoughts on these Freshman Honors Courses?

<p>Since it appears the UH 210 classes will all be full, does anyone have any feedback on the following UH 155 Freshman Seminar courses? S is looking for a 3 CR course that may be less demanding than EN103 for first semester.</p>

<p>Judicial Procedure
International War Crimes
Music/Political Movements
Art of Giving Back
US Through Others’ Eyes
Coming of Age Story</p>

<p>All of these carry the Humanities designation. Do they have a heavy writing component?</p>

<p>My DD just finished the judicial procedure class this semester. She said the discussions were interesting, although she was surprised at the extremely conservative viewpoints of her classmates. They talked about controversial topics as they pertain to the law, such as abortion, death penalty etc. There were 4 grades: 2 tests, an 8 page research paper and attendance. I would say she enjoyed it!</p>