Recommended UH courses that fulfill core requirements?

<p>Would love to get some recommendations for good UH courses that also fulfill a core requirement (HU/L/FA/HI/SB). Especially interested in courses that were interesting, fun and/or had great professors. </p>

<p>Son is in UH 210 Arts and Parody and is really enjoying it. He hasn’t really said how he is doing with respect to grades, but last time we spoke he mentioned that it is currently his favorite class. </p>

<p>Any other recommendations? Or classes to avoid?</p>

<p>Have you looked here…
[All</a> Courses | Honors College](<a href=“]All”></p>

<p>my older son loved Arts and Parody… He also loved: First Person Writing and the IHP class about cultures…I think that’s a SB.</p>

<p>younger son is now taking Medical Spanish, that may be a Humanities.</p>

<p>Are first year students allowed to take a Freshman Seminar class 2nd semester?
the reason I ask is the course description says “open to entering freshman only” but I wasn’t sure if that means those who are “entering” (starting) in the spring or if it is for all first year students…</p>

<p>My D is taking Finding Financial Freedom. 300 level course with ‘W’ designation. Both the class and the professor were highly recommended.</p>

<p>CrimsonMom…are those classes offered in the Spring? (check last spring and see if there is anything said as to who can take those classes)</p>

<p>yes there are a number of them listed for spring 2013 that is why I was wondering if students who started in August are allowed to take them based on their wording of “open to entering freshman only”</p>

<p>Where is Louise Cary for Fall 2013? Do not see Arts and Parody or Behind the British Mask for the fall. Also, I do not see AC 289 which is a pre-req for AC 389. My D is going to have a hard time coming up with enough hours for the fall since she can’t take 300 level courses until she completes AC 210.</p>

<p>Louise Cary’s husband is retiring from the music department next year. I believe she actually had seniority over him, so she is probably also retiring.</p>


<p>What a loss if Louise Cary is retiring. :(</p>

<p>Does anyone know anything about Judicial Procedures or Photography I?</p>

<p>i know you won’t get in photo i until you are an upperclassman, if then.</p>

<p>Photo I I thought was mainly freshman, it is Honor Explorations? So they don’t save any seats for freshman at orientation? Do you think will matter second semester my D will register with 50+ credits and then Fall of 14 65+?</p>

<p>my daughter has had that on her list to try to get into every semester (she is in her third year with over 100 credits). it is usually full by the time she registers.</p>

<p>i would say no chance at all for an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Thanks Mike W, I will let her know and it gives her an idea for better class planning. We actually had a student in the class take D’s pics when we were on campus for Capstone Scholar Day, she did a great job.</p>

<p>Longs: Honors 120 Exploration courses are not the same as Honors 155 Freshman Seminar courses. 120’s are open to all; 155’s are open only to Freshman. Keep in mind that ALL returning students pick their courses before BamaBound sessions (and in subsequent years, those with the most hours pick first), so this is probably why some of the more popular honors courses are always filled and difficult to get into.</p>

<p>RTRMom: Further to mom’s link above, also try this link, as it gives the designation for all courses, so you can cross reference and hopefully find Honors classes that satisfy other core reqs: [Core</a> Curriculum ? General Studies Course Listing | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Core”></p>

<p>Thanks Aero Mom, the other class is a 155 so that helps. Hopefully D will eventually get lucky and get the Photog class.</p>

<p>D liked her “First Person Writing” class and “Classics in Western Culture”.</p>

<p>Son’s friends have taken Classics in Western Culture and Arts in Tuscaloosa and enjoyed them. Son loved his UH 300 class where he read Dante, Nietsche and Machiavelli, but it did not fulfill a core requirement, just an honors. But no problem, he really, really loved the class. He’s planning on picking up a language as his last core class, and will only worry about fulfilling the UH if it fits in his already packed engineering schedule.</p>

<p>If you’re looking for an interesting core class that is not UH designation, the Intro to Fine Arts for engineering majors was a great class. Did great art projects and read some awesome books. It’s limited to less than 25 students, so it has the small class size feel of the Honors courses.</p>

<p>Montegut: I’m trying to find the Intro FA class you mentioned for Eng’g majors. Is it under General Eng’g, or Fine Arts, or ??? I checked both Fall and Spring schedules, and all I see is an Intro to FA class, but all sections have 100 spots (not small), and 1 is even designated for Freshman only, but still has 100 spots. When did he take that class - as a Freshman or later? Thanks.</p>

<p>Huge loss if Louise Cary is retiring. If she’s still around take anything she teaches. My son gave rave reviews to Melissa Hull (English 103-- The Rhetoric of Comics and Cartoons), Lisa McKinney (Honors Accounting), and Joe Calamusa (Personal Selling).</p>

<p>English 103 was limited to 25 students/section, I believe.</p>