Any website to filter colleges based on IELTS score?[CANADA]

<p>I have a friend of mine who is planning to immigrate from China into Canada as an accountant. She couldn't qualify for FSW program so she is planning on doing a masters degree in accounting in Canada.</p>

<p>I just want to check if there is any resource that she can use to determine what colleges she is eligible based on her IELTS score. She is not planning on taking a GMAT so I am trying to help her find colleges that accept IELTS score to give admission.</p>

<p>IELTS website has a USA recognition list which lays out colleges and the IELTS score they expect. This is pretty neat. Do you guys know of any such listing for Canadian colleges?
Many thanks for your replies</p>

IELTS and GMAT test 2 different things. IELTS is for English proficiency only. Your friend won’t be able to gain admission to a reputable Canadian school just on the basis of her IELTS score.