Anybody a cheerleader out there?

<p>My daughter is definitely interested in University of Miami and has been an allstar cheerleader for three years and on the high school squad for three. She is wondering
the commitment level for the girls squad and how the program is in general. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>So, my friend is a male cheerleader and he says that the female squad is basically the same. They have three-hour practices three to four times weekly in the fall, with two practices weekly in the spring, plus they attend football games, basketball games, and occasionally other games. Keep in mind that try-outs are in April, so she’ll need to commit (and be ready) by then. I’m not sure what you mean by how the program is… they don’t compete… but he says that it’s fun.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your help. I was wondering actually on the amount of travel they did.
I am concerned that too much travel might take a toll on the academics…</p>

<p>If I remember correctly (I’ll ask him tonight to be sure), they go to every other away football game, but none of the other games. So once every two weeks they have to leave for a weekend. Of course, they’d go to any championship games, too… so if the basketball team were going to a title game, then they’d probably have to go.</p>

<p>S’s gf was a cheerleader on the co-ed squad. There is not that much travel involved as they rotate which squads go to the away games (co-ed, girls, dancers), so each group only goes to 1-2 away games/season. They all participate in home games. She had no trouble juggling cheer with a biology major.</p>

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