ANYBODY who did not take APUSH?

<p>Just like what the title says.</p>

<p>I'm feeling kinda guilty of not taking (or more truthfully, having taken for 2 days and opted out) APUSH. It's not like the class was too hard though; more like a personal clash with the absurdly indifferent and demanding teacher.</p>

<p>I felt that way about my AP Bio teacher, though I didn’t find out until I was in the class.</p>

<p>My friend didn’t take APUSH, and he got into Berkley.</p>

<p>I didn’t take APUSH, and I got into WashU. APUSH is the only AP class I have not taken at my school though.</p>

<p>Actually I did the same thing. I was in it for 2 days and then I dropped out to take regular USH. The class just wasn’t for me I guess.</p>

<p>@yawn: Thanks for that info. I think you just gave me a big hope.
@guitarman: Did you mean Washington U. at St. Louis?</p>

<p>Oh, and just so you know, I also took only half of AP World. Everything just gets messed up when transfering to a new school, I guess. Meh, at least I’ll take Euro.</p>

<p>I didn’t…</p>

<p>A kid didn’t take it at my school last year and got into Harvard(with no hooks). it’s not a rite of passage for college</p>

<p>I didn’t. We don’t offer it. (or any other APs)</p>

<p>Meh, I took APUSH, but it was nothing special. Pretty much an easier, more boring version of AP Euro, but with a dumber teacher who assigned some irrelevant, useless work (our Euro teacher assigned no work, instead letting our grade depend only on 3 exams; our APUSH teacher did let most of our grade depend on exams, but still made a small portion dependable on her stupid projects).</p>

<p>Don’t worry, huuvinh13. Not everyone needs to take APUSH. Just take some other AP instead.</p>

<p>I hate any AP histories. I prefer AP Government or Economics.</p>

<p>^ I completely agree. I don’t like AP histories at all and yes AP gov and AP econ are infinitely better.</p>

<p>huuvinh13: Yes Washington University in St. Louis</p>

<p>I’m taking Honors right now but I will be taking the AP test in May just for fun :)</p>

<p>And if I do good on the test, I get college credit, which is pretty nice</p>

<p>I took honors last year, but I still ended up taking the AP Test.</p>

<p>I can’t take it yet.
School won’t let sophomores take AP’s.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m not a huge history guy either. I didn’t take AP Euro or APUSH.</p>

<p>Actually, I signed up for both classes, but I dropped them the first day of school because I didn’t do the summer assignment. I probably could have done pretty well in both of the classes, but it was way too easy to just drop the class and say screw it to the essays/textbook chapters.</p>

<p>History is just straight memorization, there is no thinking or logic necessary, so I didn’t want to waste time and valuable brain space learning stuff I could look up on wikipedia if the need arises. ;)</p>

<p>I’ll have 10 AP’s under my belt by the end of this year anyway</p>

<p>^ Your understanding of history is severely misguided.</p>

<p>That’s ironic, APUSH is the only AP class sophmores can take. I don’t know why. It is by far the hardest class in our school. I write 5-6 essay’s a week, easy</p>

<p>I took it and hated it, just like I thought I would. I’m just not very interested in America. I would have hated regular just the same, probably more so, because at least in AP, we didn’t normally talk about USH in class, we just listened to our teacher tell farm stories.</p>


Seconded, though it’s understandable if you have only had idiot teachers which ask exam questions like “what date and year did the treaty of Paris take place” or something similar.</p>

<p>History occurred as it did because of underlying currents of culture, economics, technological improvements, and the actions and leadership of a few great (wo)men. Understanding these leads one to truly understand history, as opposed to simply memorizing a series of events in the order in which they happened.</p>

<p>Dropped APUSH because I didn’t do the summer assignment & you have to read a chapter a week.</p>