Anyone else strongly considering coming here?

<p>I just got accepted for fall 2010 and although I have probably changed my mind 1000x so far about where I want to go (thank God I still have until May 1 to decide!), U of A seems more appealing every day. It’s a good distance from home, they gave me a small but nice scholarship, and I don’t have to go and buy a winter wardrobe (like paying for college isn’t going to be a pain enough without having to buy tons of coats). Anyone else?</p>

<p>We are AZ residents, and if my son stays in-state, U of A is his first choice (unless he changes his mind). He was accepted into the college of engineering. We’re waiting to hear from other colleges around the country in March/April; then it will be time to decide!</p>

<p>i’ll be attending in fall of 2010 as well for pretty much the same reasons…the campus is beautiful and its far from home but not too far.</p>

<p>Our son is considering UA. He was accepted into the College of Engineering. We’re from a long ways … Hawaii. Cost is a factor. He’s waiting to hear from a few other schools. We did visit UA last August and loved the campus (and yes, it was HOT).</p>

<p>I was considering the school myself, recieved my financial aid package today and although my full need was meet ( school did not request for money directly out of pocket or other private loans etc…) as a out of state student efc 0 I wouldn’t be able to afford to take out the loan. Does anyone know how I can decline my admission to the school? I was looking on the website and could not find it.</p>

<p>I emailed the Admissions Office and they replied with a form attached that I had to complete. It’s an official withdrawal kinda form. </p>

<p>I was just about to send it back when I got a call back to reconsider and that I should meet with their Director of Financial Aid. Truth is, I applied because many of my friends did, knowing that I couldn’t afford it. </p>

<p>They gave me a very generous scholarship but it still left me with a whopping tuition loan ($10K). I will be meeting with the Director of Admissions tomorrow and if they come back with a better FA package, I will consider it. Otherwise, the withdrawal form is ready to be faxed.</p>

<p>I’m about to finish up my first year at UofA. I’m from northern California, so I’m a decent ways from home. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. The people, campus, athletics, classes…it is seriously amazing. Also, I am NOT involved in Greek life. I have heard people advise others not to attend unless you plan on going Greek. That is NOT true. Greek life is a pretty big part UofA, but they’re in their own little world. There are still plenty of people who aren’t in frats or sororities. So if you do rush & decide it’s for you, great! you’ll have a good time & if not…you’ll still have a fantastic time! I hope this helps. If you have any questions you can message me. I know I had lots of questions before deciding.</p>