Anyone feel like they deserve a grade they didn't get?

<p>Anyone? I currently do. I have a 92.87%, I'm .13% away from an A in the class and I would have an A if my teacher didn't put one homework assignment in the participation category (5% already have 100%), if it was in the homework category (5% 93% in there) I would have an A. Anyone else been in a similar situation? I just wanna hear your guys stories. Also I find it ridiculous that a 90% or higher for some of you guys qualify as an A -.- some of my classes need 93-94 </p>

<p>That happens but its up to the teacher’s discretion. Same thing with college. In the end, colleges look at your overall GPA as well so one letter grade difference won’t kill you.</p>

<p>Yeah I know… But I would have a 4.0 this semester if it wasn’t for this class so it’s irking me lol </p>

<p>I understand the feeling, but just remember it’s one grade in a semester and you have your whole transcript to show your academic capabilities, and from the sounds of it a 4.0 is really impressive already</p>

<p>I feel you. In my english class I had an 89.2% and there was not extra credit or rounding. I feel like the teacher didn’t grade my final exam paper fairly as I stayed up all night writing it. Some kids wrote it in two hours, didn’t check it and got 100%. It ruined my 4.0</p>

<p>Hey my Algebra II teacher did a similar thing to me. She provided an extra credit and said she would add the grade as a new separate grade in the grade book, so I worked my butt off for that credit. Then, maybe she received too much extra credit from students and got lazy to grade them or her department chair told her not to allow that effective extra credit or something stupid, and she ended up putting a +5 in one of other grades (when I actually checked with my tutor to see if I had a 100 on that extra credit assignment) then I was 1 point away from A. Totally stupid </p>

<p>I had an 89.4% (need 89.5% to round up to an A) in my APUSH class. We also had to draw a political cartoon for our final grade in that quarter, but she ended up not grading them in time because she was “too tired”. So I had a B for that quarter :D</p>

<p>@d0texe‌ I don’t get it. Why do you have a smiley face at the end? It’s confusing me. </p>

<p>@Hawkace Maybe he lost his mind and gave up on that teacher… those kind of teachers … ughgh</p>

<p>Yes, my Spanish teacher gave me a 10 on an assignment instead of a 100 (she did it to a few others too) and never fixed it despite us reminding her. Now it’s too late and I have an 87 in the easiest class in world history, which is f****** annoying. My cum is an A- but it could’ve been an A, almost A+. I don’t really care about the grade as much as the fact that it was a really stupid mistake that’s all her fault.</p>

<p>Yeah, I had an A in AP Lang until three days before the end of school when my teacher decided to give two long tests. I did well, but not well enough to keep the A. Went down to the highest B possible on the last day. One point away from an A, which I had all year. Oh well.</p>

<p>I think I should’ve gotten an A in Chem instead of an A-. Ignoring the fact that I got a B- on the final, my Chem teacher was suppose to put in the final review packet and that week we also took a practice version of the Science portion of the ACT as extra credit, but he didn’t put any of those in. Oh well.</p>

<p>Yes. In a system without grade inflation, I’d probably have like a 2.0 GPA. I don’t know anything. </p>

<p>@Hawkace‌ Sorry, I forgot that sarcasm doesn’t transfer well over text on the Internet.</p>

<p>I turned an essay in that was over halfway done in AP English, that was a bit late. She didn’t grade it and I failed the grading period, and my final for the year fell short at a 79. </p>

<p>More the opposite for me. I see my C+/B- in Pre-Calc and wonder how when I failed a majority of the tests. </p>

<p>I have a 96.4 in ap bio and the teacher wouldn’t round but it doesn’t exactly round up but you know it was worth a try ;)</p>

<p>Why would you care about rounding a 96 up to something?</p>

<p>@halcyonheather‌ A 97 is an A+. </p>

<p>I had a 59.45 in Chem and 59.5 is a D, My teacher the day after finals tosses all finals in the trash and everyone keeps their grade… Now I have a F that will be on my transcript right before EA apps </p>