anyone feel overwhelmed?

<p>yeah, so its the third week of school and I already feeled burned out. Ive been trying to take advantage of all the opportunities available but now I feel like i took on way too much. Anyone else feel the same way?</p>

<p><em>sheepishly raises hand</em> </p>

<p>When I registered for classes, I was thinking "Orgo? Hah, it won't be that bad." Now? "I'm gonna fail my first exam. Why doesn't the professor like the textbook? I don't have my model kit yet..." FOCUS involves lots of reading and pesky papers. Not difficult, but time-consuming. </p>

<p>Not to mention several positions in the Catholic center, Campus Crusade for Christ, a work-study job, and music performance. :(</p>

<p>Try to keep in mind that you have four years to get involved in everything you want to do, and that it will be much more fulfilling if you focus your attentions on fewer things at once. This is coming from a chronicly over-committed Duke student who is just (as a senior) learning to follow her own advice, so I know it's hard. Remember that college is one of your last great opportunities for good old irresponsible fun without major consequences.</p>

<p>I feel like I'm doing way more work then everyone else never have time to, let's say, go out on a thursday night. Then I feel like everything I do in class is sub-par. Not fun:(</p>

<p>Yeah, dukegirl is right. And the whole balancing time thing does become easier with time. This is my second year here, and I'm taking harder classes and doing more things than last year but I somehow have more time and am less stressed... so yeah. It all works out.</p>

<p>the work really piles up right before thanksgiving break.. its almost overwhelming..</p>

<p>Yeah, and getting a job at Mad Hatter's doesn't help much... :P</p>

<p>Umm...let me say this one more time...I hate registration. I'm missing valuable homework time sitting in front of the computer reworking my entire schedule</p>

the work really piles up right before thanksgiving break.. its almost overwhelming.


<p>For the first time since I got here I'm actually stressed out. I have to write a ten page paper tonight, in between tutoring and two meetings. Then I have to write a five page paper tomorrow night to take to the writing studio on Wednesday in time for a final draft by Friday. I also have a big Latin quiz on Wednesday, for which I have no idea when I am going to study. I then have to have a five page paper done by Monday, which wouldn't be so bad, except I have to re-do half the reading and, oh yeah, I haven't yet picked a topic.</p>

<p>Yes, I don't know why the work is piling up right now. :(</p>

<p>I have a 12 page draft of my Writing 20 term paper due Wednesday, a 5-10 page History paper due Wednesday, a 10 page Philosophy paper due Thursday, and an Organic chem exam next Monday. Not to mention working 8-10 hours a week and other ecs... :eek:</p>

<p>Happily, I have most of my writing and history papers done. :)</p>

<p>haha yea the profs are just piling up the work b4 break which sucks. Its 2:30am now and Im working on 2 papers which are both due tomorrow. Ironically, Im here on CC procrastinating lol.
The worst thing tho has got to be my 15 pg research paper - rough draft due the day we get back from break, which means as my family is eating turkey, i'll be writing about evolution lol</p>