Anyone from India going for fall 2007

<p>hey is there a pretty big indian community in UW madison?</p>

<p>I've been trying to answer that myself, and basically I found out what I already knew. There really isn't a big community. On facebook theres around 200 people in the UW ISA (Indian students association) group but a lot of them aren't even students at Madison or have already graduated. Not that that's an accurate representation. Another thing is that well, you know in terms of prestige, I've heard that Indian parents aren't going to be willing to send their kids to Madison just because it's not well known in India (NRI's in the US I mean), even though it's a great school. That's just a theory.</p>

<p>The school is 5% Asian, so maybe 1-2% Indian at the most. This was the the greatest (and only) letdown I had about Madison, but I'm still going there. I really wanted to be around a lot of Indian kids but I dunno I guess I'll just be happy with ISA.</p>

<p>When I visited on campus I thought I saw a pretty sizeable amount of Indian kids. I could be wrong, it's hard to simply look at a person and know their nationality immediately. If you're planning on trying and getting a job after you graduate from UW in India, maybe ask your Indian connections how that degree will hold up. If you don't have any connections, maybe there's a UW Alumni group in India that can help you out more. </p>

<p>I'm sure you'll have a blast on campus next year (I hope the same for myself :P) and I also think you'll find plenty of success after college.</p>

<p>I think its good that we have some kind of meeting place (here) before we leave for Madison. I'm an international student, comming from Hong Kong (I'm Indian tho) and hoping to meet American Indians or just Indians. </p>

<p>Where are all you guys planning to dorm? Southeast or Lakeshore?</p>

<p>I dont think anyone knows where they will be situated yet, but i am hopeing for southeast dorms of either smith or ogg. im not sure what my third choices onward were.</p>

<p>Hmm I have to say, just cause you saw a lot of indians doesn't mean much. In college we tend to roam together. Anyways, I'm NRI in American, born and raised, so unless ALL jobs go to India, I should be good.</p>

<p>dude dda, we're from the same place! i'm going to be an engineer prolly, see u in soar!</p>

<p>thats really cool! you from hong kong?</p>

<p>yeah! i'm not indian though</p>

<p>thats, cool! I think I saw you on facebook, in the UW-Madison group haha!</p>

<p>haha awesome! feel free to add me dda</p>