<p>D got a letter essentially stating, thank you for applying...we know you have a lot of important decisions to make at this time...Lehigh offers a wide range of opportunities...blah, blah, blah, with a color folder listing inside the different majors for arts and sciences.</p>
<p>Do they send this to everyone? Seems like an awful expense. It came in a big white envelope, so it was disappointing, to say the least.</p>
<p>I received a similar letter but it was for the business school. However they didn't even send me a color folder--just a link! I was hoping it'd be a likely letter, shucks.</p>
<p>I also got a letter today from the College of Business and Economics thanking me for applying. It talks about how the business program finished in the top twenty in Business Week's rankings and how it redesigned its website. Don't know if its a likely letter though.</p>
<p>So, it looks like people got letters depicting the area they applied to. That means that they were "specific" to the person, doesn't it? I mean, my D would not have gotten a letter from the business school if she is applying to arts and sciences, right?
Anyone thinking what I'm thinking?</p>
<p>After some digging (looking at posts from past years) it seems that Lehigh sends out these "thank you" letters to most applicants. Likely letters seem to be differently worded and reserved to a few exceptions--recruited athletes, highly qualified URM, etc. Just my two cents :)</p>
<p>yeah all i got was a letter for the business school saying what it has to offer and its ranking and stuff. didnt really expect anything special.. yet</p>