Anyone getting their AA too?


<p>I know no one gives a sh it about the AA but I'm bored and curious.</p>

<p>I think I am getting mine in University Studies, Humanities</p>

<p>I guess it will look good on the resume till I have the BA :D</p>

<p>AA in liberal arts =)</p>

<p>AA - Liberal Arts - Social & Behavioral Science</p>

<p>I’m going to be graduating on the field too.</p>

<p>I 'm getting mine in sociology…just graduated on Saturday!</p>

<p>yeeahh I’m getting it at the end of the semester. I’ve actually wondered too, is it good for ANYTHING?!</p>

<p>nice. I think I am just gonna get drunk all day and either
A. Go to Commencement faded
B. Skip it and get the night started early</p>

<p>Hard decision lol</p>

<p>I’ve already received an A.S. and it turns out I can get an A.A. once this semester is over. Turns out I’ll have two associates degrees.</p>

<p>Edit: I guess you could say I double majored.</p>

<p>pfft. i’m not even going to commencement. i’m not about to pay to walk with a bunch of people i don’t know, to receive a diploma that to my knowledge, is good for nothing.</p>

<p>Its trash unless its like a technical field, like dental hygienist or vet tech or whatever. I don’t really know much either though I guess.</p>

<p>my dilemma…i have a bunch of honor cords and stoles and crap…i kinda want to use them but i dont want to buy a cap and gown.
and i secretly think its lame…but my pals want me to go.</p>

<p>Why do people think it’s lame to go to commencement?? It was so much fun for me!! My family loved it too, I got presents, dinner at a nice restaurant afterwards, it was a great day! Just because it’s for an associate doesn’t mean it’s crap lol</p>

<p>it’s not that it’s “lame”, i don’t think i’m too cool for it or anything, it just doesn’t feel special…there’s no sense of community. Anyway, I am very accident prone so I’d probably trip…aaaand I hate having attention on me…so yeah, commencement doesn’t sound like the best way to spend a day.</p>

<p>Not going to commencement: I don’t think the money is worth it.</p>

<p>I got an AA in Bio, I’m going to commencement lol, I’ve got some friends going</p>

<p>I only had to pay 26 bucks for the gown and tassel so it was worth it to me</p>

<p>Congrats on everyone getting their AAs. Now all your future employers will know you went to community college! :)</p>

<p>you seem very pessimistic sir</p>

<p>yeah, and after we get our BA/BS they will know we went to a university…your point?</p>

<p>I’m getting mine in econ, had all the classes required for and since all I had to do to get it was fill out a form that took like 3 seconds I figured why not.</p>

<p>^^^What you said cept for Humanities</p>