Anyone receive a scholarship from National Achievement yet?

<p>They came out around this time last year.</p>

<p>I got the $2500 scholarship! I’m holding out though until later because I’m also a candidate for one of the Special Scholarships through National Merit which may give more money.</p>

<p>My notification came Monday but I’m in CT and I assume based on your location thing under your username you’re in Georgia which is further away from the National Achievement office that I think is in Illinois. So maybe yours is still in the mail.</p>

<p>Good luck! :)</p>

<p>D got notification of her $2500 for National Achievement yesterday. We sent in the reply letter, but are also on the lookout for a special scholarship through National Merit. If something more than $2500 is offered by National Merit, we can choose that one instead (but, unfortunately, not both).</p>

<p>^Congrats to both of you guys! Hopefully, I’ll get something from NA in the mail soon…</p>

<p>Hopefully I’ll get something too. I need some kind of good news in this whole process. I should probably call them tomorrow to see if they received my fax for first choice school (probably should have done that the day after I faxed it).</p>

<p>What did you all score? (if you don’t mind)</p>

<p>“What did you all score? (if you don’t mind)”</p>

<p>D scored 224 on the PSAT. 2320 on the SAT.</p>

<p>See post below.</p>

<p>Okay. so I went to the mailbox today. I open the mailbox and see three small envelopes. I think, “this doesn’t look very promising.”
I reach in and grab an envelope and its from the National Achievement Corporation. I scream, mutter some words to God for blessing and rip open the envelope. it says, Nil, you got the 2,500 dollar scholarship.</p>

<p>I didn’t stop screaming till I got home.</p>

<p>I am VERY happpy. :)</p>

<p>203 in PA</p>

<p>I got a 229 on my PSAT, but a 2210 on my SAT (womp womp womp).</p>

<p>Just checked the mail. I got the $2500! Finally some good news.</p>

<p>I was planning on updating some of my schools today on a job that I got. Is there a point in mentioning getting the scholarship?</p>

<p>^Why not? If you were planning to update them anyway.</p>

<p>Congrats nil!</p>



<p>203 in CT but I got a 2220 on the SAT. The writing section on the psat kicked my butt lol. Shows how its not that good an indicator because I got a 60 on that but an 800 on the SAT lol.</p>

<p>^^ I just don’t know how people usually go about it. I haven’t see anyone on CC post about updating a college with that info.</p>


This is exactly how it happened for me. Suffice it to say, I’m also very happy. :D</p>

<p>Congrats to all who received NAS money; nothing yet for my D in SC. I called and was told letters were sent Fri. 25th. Can’t tell by nil desperandum (PSATscore only) but it looks like scoring above PSATcutoff on SAT qualified for scholarship?
For the record, my D scored 205 on PSAT and 2050, on SAT.</p>

<p>Not everyone who made finalist (scoring above the cutoff) will get the scholarship. On the National Achievement website, it says that about 700 of the 800 finalists will receive the scholarship.</p>

<p>We are also waiting for the National Merit decision. They usually come out about a week or two after the National Achievement decision. We are not optimistic about receiving a corporate scholarship, but are still crossing our fingers. Still, very happy about National Achievement!</p>

<p>I know, but it seems like being one of those “100” is sooo close to ultimately not make it. I’m holding out hope until today’s mail. ;)</p>

<p>good job!!
i got an 188 =/</p>

<p>Hope you hear some good news soon scscm0m</p>

<p>I noticed the letter say we can’t tell anyone aside from our immediate family that we got the scholarship, so I guess that answers my college update question.</p>