Anyone taking advanced language courses - read this.

<p>I am currently a student at Florida State University (and loving every minute of it, if I may add), double majoring in English Literature and Humanities, and minoring in Spanish. </p>

<p>I was placed into SPN 3332 (Spanish 5) the summer before my freshman year (i.e. this school year), and I just found out something rather sad yesterday.</p>

<p>My Spanish teacher announced to us that the 3000 and 4000 level Spanish classes will be closed off for the first two weeks of registration for SPANISH MAJORS ONLY. If I had to guess, this is likely being applied to all language departments. This is particularly disappointed to me, given that I am a Spanish minor and was planning on taking SPN 3333 next term - there are only 3 of those classes offered, and they're all capped at only 25 students. I was particularly excited about being in the Honors Program because I wanted to prevent something like this from happening; oh, well. As the great philosopher Jagger once said, "You can't always get what you want."</p>

<p>This said, if you're a student at FSU and you're planning on registering for an upper-level class, please keep this in mind. I don't know if this change is going to be permanent or not; I just know that I will be rather sad if I don't get this class that I want.</p>

<p>Just thought I'd put that out there!</p>