Anyone uber from BHM to Tuscaloosa?

Flying there this evening and Scuttle Shuttle looks to be $45/person and with 3 of us I’m guessing we can Uber for less.

Anyone else go this route? (Did quick search of forum and not much on Uber from BHM to Tuscaloosa)


Uber was outlawed in Tuscaloosa for a while. Not sure what its current status is. Will you not need a car when you get there?

Thanks for reply. Search shows uber came to Tuscaloosa in the fall, was it outlawed after?

We’re getting in late tonight and leaving Thursday evening so assumed we could just uber around.

Uber is available in Tuscaloosa, however, it would be much less expensive for you to rent a car.

Thanks. We ended up renting car. Cheaper and more convenient - guess I was just being lazy and didn’t care to drive.

Totally understandable, @mr1234!

A word of warning, depending upon where you’re traveling from: I’ve lived in the northeast and in southern California, so I’m used to tailgating (Philly, I’m looking at YOU) and high-speed driving, but not AT THE SAME TIME. I was shocked at the speeds I was seeing on the drive back and forth from BHM to UA, given how close they all were getting to my rental car.

Aside from that, it’s an easy and pleasant drive!

Those driving over from Atlanta airport, take note: GA drivers are the worst IMO at the tailgating at high speeds.

My daughter had to Uber from BHM to Tuscaloosa after a flight delay last Fall Break. It was around $90 from BHM to her door at her house in Tuscaloosa. Very easy, and it was a life saver with a flight fiasco that delayed her overnight . . . she got back just in time for an exam. :slight_smile:

Uber is legal in tuscaloosa.

The Uber rate to go from Bham to ttown is crazy high. My sibs visited and they were able to rent a car for a week for the price of Uber

Just for reference uber was estimated at $90-$110 (~ $200 round-trip), shuttle was $45/per (3 people = $270 round trip) and the 2 day car rental (SUV) ran us about $150 including gas. FYI, at this moment, this is what Uber is estimating for BHM to Tuscaloosa:

uberX: $78-105 (~2 min away)

uberXL: $109-144 (~4 min away)