Anyone with a current/former student in Biology?

<p>The only concern my son has with Alabama is he wants to make sure he is able to research since he already knows he will need to have done research in order to go to graduate school. He has been accepted in Honors. He applied to CBH but it’s long shot so…</p>

<p>Does anyone have a current/former student and have they been able to do research?</p>


<p>I don’t have a biology student but do want to mention that your S may want to also look into Emerging Scholars. Search the board for some discussions regarding it. </p>

<p>[Emerging</a> Scholars Program - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Emerging”></p>

<p>I’m a current Neuroscience major and an ex biochem major and honestly its fairly simple to get involved in research as an undergrad. Put it this way, most if not all professor on campus are working on some type of research. All your son needs to do is look up current research being done in the bio dept. The college website will have all this information. Go though it all and find what sparks his interest, find out who is in charge and go tell them your interested in doing some research. If there lab is full they will let you know and not all professors will let undergads participate. But if your son shows some compassion on the subject the professor will respect that and in most cases help them out.</p>

<p>DS is Freshman getting two majors; ChemE and Biology. Applied and was accepted to Emerging Scholars, will be assisting a Grad Student in the spring term with some Autism research. Also has been accepted to HHMI Undergraduate Research for this coming summer. Not sure who he will be paired with, will find that out spring term.</p>

<p>So to your question about the opportunity for research at Bama for a Freshman…isn’t a problem if you are willing to put some effort out.</p>

<p>DS had applied to CBHP and went to the interviews…just wasnt a good match. He has enjoyed Emerging Scholars. Would definately suggest you apply, it is a good option if CBHP doesn’t work out.</p>

<p>MichiganGeorgia: I wish you had posted this a few days ago, I would have pointed you to the CBH Live Streaming of this week’s (Thurs/Fri) scholarly presentations. These online presentations were done by many students conducting research at UA. It was quite fascinating to be able to watch as the students described their own research and methodologies. Many disciplines were represented; chemistry, engineering, anthropology and biology. The students did a thorough and professional job.</p>

<p>There are many opportunities to research at The University of Alabama. CBH and Emerging Scholars are just two programs. Your son will need to contact the various professors once he is on campus, and make inquiries. If he has a particular interest, he should probably take that professor’s class and get acquainted with the professor. One of the more famous labs is “The Wormshack”, but by no means, is the only lab doing cutting edge research.</p>

<p>Link to “The Wormshack”:
[Home</a> | The Caldwell Lab](<a href=“]Home”></p>