AP Calc AB or AP Stat?

<p>I cannot decide which to take, AP Calc AB or AP Stat. I think AP Stat would be easier and more enjoyable, but I've heard they're both difficult classes and that AP Calc looks better on a college application. I even heard that it might look bad if I take AP Stat when AP Calc is offered at my school. Is there truth to any of this? Please weigh in with your thoughts and experiences, thanks.</p>

<p>I doubt that AP Calc looks better than AP Stat. Why would it? I think this idea was brought about because people thought that colleges look for students who take the hardest classes, so AP Calc looks better than AP Stat. I think that such an idea is ridiculous. Definitely challenge yourself, but if you think you’d like stat more than calc, then take stat by all means.</p>



<p>Regardless of what is we might “think”, the simple fact is that yes, Calc “looks better” than Stat. Some colleges like Dartmouth even recommend Calc, if available. It’s their admissions, their rules. I’ve read on another board where a GC would not check “most difficult schedule” if Stat was taken instead of Calc. Check with your GC.</p>

<p>The reason that Calc probably looks better is that it requires a higher level of math and some say, a different way of thinking. While an excellent course, AP Stat only requires a knowledge of Algebra I. Many of the kids in our HS double, both Calc and Stat, or precalc/trig & Stat.</p>

<p>That being said, just bcos it “looks” better, doesn’t mean you should take it.</p>

<p>Definitely take AP Calc AB or BC if you can. I thought AP Stats would be a piece of cake but it really isn’t. If you want the ultimate challenge, go for AP Calc.</p>

<p>im taking both AP Stat and AP Calc AB this year. AP calc is harder than ap stat. Some of the colleges I have looked into dont even count stat for credit. However, i have found that the stuff i have learned in stat is much more useful in real life than the stuff i learn in calc.</p>

<p>^ how do u think ap stat is, difficulty-wise? :/</p>

<p>def calc, having precalc as your highest math class taken is not the best. it also depends where you are trying to go. if top school/ivy calc, if anyother calc is best but not necessary.</p>

<p>I take both calc BC and stat, calc is def harder, but stat is useful too</p>

<p>I took AP Stat in senior year, and I found it really easy. It’s mostly just plugging stuff into formulas. I actually thought it was boring.</p>

<p>About an earlier comment: Yes, the guidance counselor wouldn’t check it as the hardest course load because it isn’t the hardest course load. But you want to take an interesting hard course load. If I really had no interest in calculus I wouldn’t take it, even if calculus was harder than stat.</p>

<p>Well, what will be your college major? If you’ll be a science (including premed) or math major, then take AP Calculus AB. If you’ll be a humanities major, take AP Stats.</p>

<p>From what I have heard from Guidance Counselors, people who have been through this, and more, you should take AP Calc. It is a very important class to colleges. I believe that someone told me that you have to take 3 calc classes in college so you would be getting one out of the way.</p>

<p>You should definitely take a course you are interested in but if you really care about getting in to a really good college I recommend you challenge yourself and take Calc AB</p>

<p>I’m taking AP Stats this year rather than AP Calc because I thought AP Stats would be both more interesting and useful for the field I want to go in to. I find Stats pretty easy, and if you’re not not a math person, it’s good because it really doesn’t involve much actual math knowledge.</p>

<p>If you plan on majoring in any math or science related field, Calc would probably be better though.</p>

<p>^^Unfortunately, what many don’t realize is that even social sciences can require calc, particularly interested in an academic future.</p>

<p>I took AP stats junior year, and I’m taking Calc AB this year. I thought stats was a lot more interesting, and probably a little bit easier, though neither class is very challenging, at least at my school. Also, things learned in stats come up a lot in social sciences classes, like AP psychology.</p>

<p>I haven’t decided my major for sure, but definitely something in the social sciences, most likely business or psychology. I know I’ll have to take Calc in college, but my courseload for next year is pretty rough (4 APs including whichever math I decide on and editor on the school newspaper which takes up even more time). Will I have time to do Calc and not have freak-outs everyday is the real question, because if the answer is yes, then I think AP Stat is the answer.
Since I’m taking a bunch of APs, do you think colleges will still see my courseload as challenging? I’m also taking AP Econ, so that might look good without Calc and Stat might help me in that class? I don’t know… thoughts?</p>

<p>I signed up for AP Stat but I think I’m going to change to AP Calc AB. For those of you who took Calc along with other APs, did you have time to do homework and get good grades? My biggest concerns are that I won’t have time to master the concepts and will have to get a tutor to avoid failing.</p>

<p>What would be worse: a C in AP Calc or a B in AP Stat?</p>

<p>Do colleges see your first semester senior grades or just courses? P.S. Duke specifically.</p>