<p>Multiple Choice:
1A: Skipped 6, I'm sure that I missed nothing else
1B: Skipped 4, I'm sure that I missed nothing else</p>
<p>Free Response:
1: Only did part a. The information stated in that question did not make any sense to me.
2: Did all of it.
3: Did about half of it.
4: Did all but the last part. Cross-sections are still a little hazy to me.
5: Did all of it. I really liked that question!
6 (Taylor series, series hell): Only did part a. Clueless on the rest of the questions.</p>
<p>Predict my grade on the AP Calculus BC test! I know I did really badly, but at least I'll be able to retake it next year.</p>
<p>And tell me what you think so I can see how I compare to the rest of CC (which I most likely pale in comparison to).</p>
<p>1A: skipped 2, probably 2-3 more wrong
1B: skipped 1, probably 2-3 wrong lol (prone to dumb mistakes)</p>
<p>Free Response:
- Felt pretty good on but missed some things (6-8)
- 5-9
- messed it up big time
did A but with the wrong answer b, c, d might get a point somewhere for an integral
- Did about 3/4th
- Did half
- Did half, did something at the end hahah</p>
<p>Any chance of a 5?</p>
<p>@0987654321, you did better than I did. You’ll probably get a 5.</p>
<p>How do they grade the BC Exam?</p>
<p>I understand that most of the questions are actually AB questions and only a certain portion are BC-specific. I realize that the AB subscore comes solely from the AB questions, but when they grade for your BC score, do they throw out the AB MC and FRQ’s before grading?</p>
<p>Oh my gosh I was so happy that they didn’t have polar; I just wish that I was more prepared so I could be more prepared for not having polar and just totally ace this test!</p>
<p>Do you kind of get what I’m saying? But more predictions, please guys!</p>
<p>[AP</a> Pass - AP Test Score Calculators](<a href=“http://appass.com/calculators/home]AP”>AP Test Score Calculators - AP Pass)</p>
<p>If you guys want to know, try to put in what you think you got on the test. Of course, the curve is probably going to be off a bit, but it’s a good guess.</p>
<p>MC was easy;
FR -
Number 1 - It was weird, but I finally understand it and did all of it. Turns out to be Easy, but difficult interpreting.
Number 2 - did all of it. Easy.
Number 3 - did most of it.
Number 4 - easy, but shaky on the cross section
Number 5 - easy, but afraid I probably made a computation error since I didn’t check my work.
Number 6 - it was freaking hell. Only manage to do about half.</p>
<p>I still predict a 5.</p>
<p>MC: Answered every question
FRQ #1: Pretty easy and entertaining to read. I liked it.
FRQ #2: Easy for the most part. Part b was probably the hardest part on the whole test for me; my answer made absolutely no sense (but maybe it’s not supposed to)
FRQ #3: Easy. However, I forgot to calculate the integration on part d)iii) with my calculator when I still had it, so I had to make up a number and get a wrong answer
FRQ #4: Surprisingly easy (granted, it was on the non-calculator section, so the numbers had to be nice)
FRQ #5: I think I got it all. Part b was a bit iffy
FRQ #6: Not easy, but not hard. That question resembled the series FRQs from 2003 and 2009, which my teacher had the class do. Part d was the only one that gave me a bit of trouble.</p>
<p>The proctors mistimed the noncalculator FRQ section, so they gave us 40 minutes instead of 45. I predict a 5.</p>
<p>I predit a 5 securely now. I did all of the MC, I guessed on like 5 of them.
I did not like #1 or 3 on the FR. Managed fairly well on everything else nonetheless.</p>
<p>If I didn’t predict a 5, I wouldn’t be a typical CC user. I’m not sure how I did. Some questions (especially some on the free response) tripped me up for a second. I got my way around it, though.</p>
<p>i’m not sure what the score would be but heres how i did
A-skipped one
B-educated guessed 1, skipped 2 </p>
1-easy did it all
2-easy did it all
3-did all but part (iii) of the last part
4-did it all (possible error on part c)
5-did it all (however i may have solved for y wrong the abs. always screws me up)
6-tough, did probably <half right </p>
<p>(I may have confused the order of these problems however, i dont want to say which problem specifically though considering you’re not supposed to until 48 hours)</p>
<p>Seeing as how they don’t dock you points for trying out the FRQs. I started writing down stuff going for partial credit.</p>
<p>@KSMJCKIWI: The BC score includes your score on all components of the test, including the AB materials.</p>
<p>MC pt 1 -> maybe 5 ~7 wrong
MC pt 2 -> Checked twice, very confident I got perfect
FRQ 1 : 7~9
2 : 7~9
3 : 6?
4 : 8~9
5 : 6?
6 : 1 -<em>- My class was AB, didn’t study enough for BC materials. Did part of (a) -</em>-</p>