AP Credits to School of Hotel Administration

I am really confused about whether or not Cornell will accept my AP credits.
The website says: The primary purpose of Advanced Placement (AP) credit is to exempt students from introductory courses and to place them in advanced courses. If you receive AP credit, you may not subsequently enroll in a similar course as outlined in the Courses of Study for credit at Cornell unless the AP credit is removed.

With qualifying scores, SHA students may be awarded AP credit only in Free Electives, with two exceptions: AP Microeconomics (score of 4/5 will fulfill HADM 1410) and AP English Language and Comp or AP English Literature and Comp (score of 5 will fulfill the First-Year Writing Seminar). Also note the following for AP Statistics taken by SHA Students:

SHA students who receive AP Stats credit (score of 4 or 5) will have it awarded toward free elective requirements only. They must still take HADM 2010, the SHA core Hospitality Quantitative Analysis course.
SHA students may not take stats classes listed on the forbidden overlap list (STSCI, PAM, etc).

I’m not really sure what this means, especially in relation to specific tests. I scored and sent to Cornell a 4 on my Calc AB test, 5 on AP Lang/Comp, and a 5 on AP Comp Gov. I intend on taking the AP Lit, Gov, and Macro (self study) test this may, but I won’t if Cornell won’t take the credits. What would I have to score for my credits to transfer if Cornell accepts them? Thanks

My guess (this is how it worked for me in Arts and Sciences) is that your AP credits will count towards the credits you need for graduation and can fulfill elective credits that you would otherwise need to take.

For example, I went into Cornell with credits from AP US History and AP Gov. The AP US History was the equivalent to a course within Cornell, so I got the credits I would have gotten had I taken that course. It also counted as an elective course. AP Gov counted as the same, and in addition it got me out of prerequisites for other gov courses.