AP Credits?

Hey guys! I am currently on the CWRU website to see if they accept certain AP credits and I wanted to make sure that I am understanding everything right. (https://case.edu/ugstudies/academic-policies/advanced-placement-ap-course-equivalencies) For English, does the website mean that I can submit either my AP English I or AP English II scores and if they are a 4 or 5, I earn the credits only after completing one of Case’s English classes?

Yes, I think thats what it says. All Case students take three SAGES seminar style English classes as well, no matter what credits they get in English. But overall Case is very generous with IB and AP credits so it will give you flexibility to explore more classes and still be abel to complete your major in 4 years or less.

Any possibility of finishing of graduation credits of Majors of 4 years in 3 years or 3.5 years ?

@Gjessi2020 what major are you thinking of? How many other credits do you have?

Search the Case website for your major/degree and look at the curriculum.
If you want a BS there are more requirements in math/science than there is with a BA degree

@bopper My question was general for BS.

Would suggest looking at the curriculum for your major (e.g., if it were Biologyhttp://bulletin.case.edu/collegeofartsandsciences/biology/#undergraduatetext)

and what AP, etc credits you might have, and see how many credits you have left.

@Gjessi2020 You can shorten your undergraduate experience in certain cases if you are admitted to a Professional School::

“Students of outstanding ability and attainment who are candidates for the BA and who are admitted to professional studies at Case Western Reserve University by the end of the junior year are offered an opportunity to shorten their entire course of studies by one year through the Senior Year in Professional Studies privilege”

"Students of outstanding ability and attainment who are candidates for the BA degree and are offered admission to a medical or dental school other than those at Case Western Reserve University at the end of the junior year are eligible to shorten their entire course of studies by one year through the Senior Year in absentia privilege. "



@Gjessi2020 I think that some arts and science majors can be finished in 3- 3.5 years, like math, psychology, English, economics and some science majors. Nursing and Engineering might be harder. Nursing in particular has a lot of clinical requirements in year four, so its probably harder to shorten up the nursing degree.
It will depend on exactly how many credits the student earns with IB and AP and what major.
Case students can take graduate level classes to cover undergraduate degree requirements, if they are ready.
The fourth year can be used to explore a minor, double major, and get more research experience, if the student is
far ahead with credits, and wants to stay all four years to graduate with his/her class.