AP English - The GPA Killer

I am currently a sophomore in HS trying to finalize my junior year schedule and am having some qualms in the process.

Junior AP English Language is highly regarded as THE most difficult course offered at my school, and I am currently enrolled to take it next year. After attending the introductory meeting a few weeks ago, I am so afraid.

The teacher emphasized how taxing the workload is and how much time one must dedicate to this class; she also said that those who actually stay with her class come out as excellent writers. I also hear that almost all students that complete the class get a 5 on the AP exam. While I am certainly interested in becoming an excellent writer, she says those who put in so much effort often end up happy getting a “C+” as a final grade and that in her 10+ years of teaching, only one student has ever received an A+. She quite blatantly calls her course “the GPA killer”.

Right now, I have a 4.906 GPA between this year and last (weighted, obviously) and I think I have a pretty good chance of being valedictorian. My school currently weights honors and AP classes equally, but the rumor is that AP classes will be weighted more next year, so my guidance counselor is pushing me to take this course (she basically bullied me into it).

Next year, I am also taking:
AP Physics Exam C
AP Chemistry
Linear Algebra H (took BC this year)
Research Science H
AP Spanish Language
PE 11

I also do two seasons of sports and have a number of extracurriculars (not too many, but enough to take up time).

I feel like I will not have the time to put forth my best effort in AP English, and really want to be valedictorian. My closest competition is taking English 3H next year because she has the same worries as I do. What should I do? What will eventually help me in the long run with college applications?

Get out of that class

Get out while you still can :))

If you want to be valedictorian, I would probably take Honors English. Also - congratulations on getting such a high GPA. Taking BC as a sophomore is incredible. I think not taking AP English will help you more with college applications.

You seem busy even outside of the classroom, so I’d suggest dropping out of AP Lang, but as iubaccounting suggested, replace it with a course that’s a step down in difficulty from AP Lang. It’s just one AP class. No biggie. Good luck with attempting to snag that #1 spot, but also remember that you don’t have to be valedictorian to get into a great school! But still, it’d be a great achievement! Good luck!

It depends on what kind of college you are looking for. You may want to take AP Chem or AP English in 12th grade. You schedule is imbalanced: why 3 science classes? Why did your GC suggest you to take AP English? She must have some reason. How is your English writing skill now? A score of 5 in AP English is good for college application.

Take AP Chem or AP Physics C your senior year. The writing skills you’ll gain will be worth it, especially during your senior year. I’d also recommend dropping the ECs you don’t spend a lot of time in to compensate for the future workload.

@coolweather probably 3 science classes since for him/her they’re all pretty trivial

and i’d say go with AP English unless you care about being valedictorian a lot - the writing skills will help

If you are the number 1 person in your grade and do not have a language or writing issue, you will likely be one of th e A students, not the C+ students. That is what your GC was telling you.

On average, unless you major in English or go to a LAC, you will get ONE teacher who will teach you to write. It involves a lot of time, reading and editing essays, organizing them, turning a mediocre piece of writing into something college and professional level and then reading the (likely multiple) rewrites. This is that teacher …

With those college essays looming, this is also a really good opportunity to learn to write something that will impress.

If you are really obsessed with val status, you could go talk to her, maybe even bring a writing sample and see what she says for you specifically. If you can spell out your writing goals … you could have a nice intro meeting with her.

I think excellent writing and oral presentation and conversational skills are really one of the biggest determiners of career success - how else can you sell your ideas and yourself to your boss, your company, your clients, your patients, etc, etc, etc … if they don’t know what you are telling them … they won’t buy it or fund your wealthy lifestyle.

I would think 90% of the students at HYPS+LAC+DVW can write a stunning essay or paper. They learned it from someone …

If people happily take C+'s then I’m pretty sure the average grade for the class is around a B-. Colleges will notice the rigor of this class and if you get a B or B+ it will be highly regarded. Also, I’m pretty sure that if you are on track to become valedictorian then you have the necessary skills to succeed in that class. Who cares about valedictorian? It’s just a bullshit word that barely has an effect on your admissions decision