Hello! I am a Sophomore and this will be one of the first AP exams I take. I want this discussion to be a place for prudent advice from former students that took this class and/or exam. The exam will be given on the afternoon of Friday, May 12th.
As a reminder, this thread (and all of College Confidential) is not a suitable location for any activities which infringe the College Board’s policy on AP test security. Such infractions include the disclosure of multiple choice questions and [some] free response questions. More on these policies can be found at the College Board’s website. Also, links to other websites is typically discouraged.
In general, the only testing items which can lawfully be discussed are the free response questions which are released on the College Board’s website about two days after the administration of the exam.
Hi I am a sophomore taking AP Euro right now, I got a 57 on the first unit test and 64 on the second one!!! I seriously need study tips . Upperclassmen please help
I am an AP Euro (and AP US) teacher happy to help anyone with specifics if they need it 
I am a Freshman and I have little knowledge of European history.
Any tips?
@harrymate are you taking this as a class or self-studying? My best advice, if you are taking the class, is to be engaged doing class, read the textbook, and study for test when the AP test is near.
Does anyone know what percentage of each historical period is on the test?
How do I finish both essays under the 90 min time limit? I’m never able to finish on time.
Also, how hard are the actual questions on the exam (the ones from last year) compared to the sample questions in the course and exam description? Those sample MC questions were pretty hard.
@ReneRenault I took the APUSH exam, which is the same format as this one, and I was able to finish both essays, although I definitely know that they weren’t my best. The main thing I would say for the DBQ is to really plan a solid thesis in those first 10-15 mins. If you can create your thesis early on it makes the writing process so much easier and you can get it done faster. And for the LEQ, it honestly depends on the topic. If you know it, you know it and if you don’t, it makes the writing process that much harder. And also, if you feel that you’re in a time crunch, feel free to leave out the conclusion as long as you have everything you need in the rest of essay.
@ReneRenault remember that what you are writing is and will be graded as a rough draft. Also try to treat the DBQ formulaically and summarize the document, give POV or CAP, try for outside information and then move on (or in whatever order you have been doing this when you have written DBQs).
Are the practice exams in review books generally harder than the actual thing? I did a practice exam on the Princeton Review. Got a 37/55 (not too sure if that’s a good score). I’d be very relieved if it is.
I just noticed on the PR practice exam that it doesn’t tell you stop at the bottom at the last page of the MC. Does this mean that if I finished the MC early, I can start on the SAQs already? I’ve never taken any AP exam so I don’t know.
No @ReneRenault. You must spend exactly 55 minutes on the multiple choice (section 1 part a), exactly 50 minutes on the SAQ (section 1 part b), and exactly 90 minutes on the DBQ/LEQ (section 2).
Today’s the day. Good luck to all of you. 
Test was not bad at all. MC was surprisingly fair considering some of the past MC questions are outright ridiculous. Thank you college board for giving us easy FRQs too. I’m just glad I didn’t get the double feminism prompt that last year’s euro students got… European feminism is much harder to write about in my opinion since it’s so spread out across different countries.
That’s good to hear. I hope the same is for my test (taking it very soon).
Interesting. My entire class was there, and we all agreed it was quite difficult. I consider myself very well-versed in European History and was expecting a 5 going in; not quite sure where I stand at this point. Here’s to a large curve!