AP Exam

My son will graduate on June 2015. He took the following AP classes:
AP US History(4)/AP Calculus BC (5)/AP Computer (5)/AP Psychology(5). Can these classes be used to fulfill the GE requirements at UC?

He may take part of exams from the following subjects:
AP World History
AP Physics 1
AP Bio
AP MicroEcon
AP US Government

He is currently taking regular Econ&Gov. He took regular Physics&WH&Bio at freshman.
He may major in math/CS/Econ/Statistics.

It depends on the campus. Davis is the one I have experience with, so I’ll address that campus specifically. I don’t know about the other UCs though.

At UCD, AP units don’t count towards GEs. They do count for fulfilling prerequisites and increasing your unit count to get a better registration time, but that’s about it.

Agree with @PhantomVirgo‌ in that each campus will be different but the majority do not let you use AP credits toward GE requirements. Cal States are much more generous.

Thank you. Is it necessary to take AP World History and AP US Government?

My son’s HS required World History and Government for graduation. Since their favorite teacher taught both courses as AP, they took the classes. You do not need to take them as AP classes but both are a-g required courses for CSU’s and the UC’s.