<p>at the moment i'm taking the full IB diploma and that's why i'm not able to take any AP courses but i've always really wanted to learn music theory, psych, and human geo.
so i was thinking of self studying these subjects for the AP exams but is it worth it? i mean of course i can study these in college... </p>
<p>also if 3 is way too much, which AP exam would you guys recommend and are they durable for self studying?</p>
<p>If you want to learn music theory, psych and human geo, go ahead and learn it!! But why do you want to turn your learning into another “study for the test” activity? Just pick up some literature and start learning. </p>
<p>An advantage of learning this information in college is the interaction with the other students enhances the learning experience.</p>
<p>A full IB diploma includes enough testing preparation for anyone.</p>
<p>I’m taking AP Theory now and I love it! But most people aren’t able to just jump in without taking a theory class prior to the AP course…a bunch of friends of mine in the class are really having trouble (and they happen to be very musical and pretty talented too ). It’s also a lot of ear training and a very detailed course and I think that doing it on your own would be incredibly difficult (specifically for practicing dictation and sight-singing)</p>