<p>I am a junior and I already take APUSH, AP Chem and AP lit in school and I'm doing well in them. I slacked off last year and didn't take any APs so I was considering self-studying a few this year. I'm thinking about:</p>
<p>French Language
Music Theory
Human Geography</p>
<p>I figured I would just do the psychology and human geography because everyone says they're easy, but do colleges know this and not take them as seriously? I heard French is hard, but I am good in French and could probably learn it pretty well. Would I be likely to get a 5 on this? Music theory is something I know a little bit about, but is it too hard to self-study? </p>
<p>I already have a very busy schedule with sports and extra-curriculars, but I am good at cramming a lot of info into my head in a short time.</p>
<p>Interesting! But I have the same question as you – I have psychology in my school, and I also have human geo in my school </p>
<p>BUT everyone aces it! Do colleges know that it is easy, and that it’ll be better for us to just continue on (as in self-study them, and so we have space for “harder” APs in senior year?)</p>
<p>Music Theory and French Language would be hard self-studies at this point, and you don’t seem to have a lot of time.
I really don’t think that you’re gonna get any good out of doing Human Geo, unless your interested in the subject, since most colleges don’t give credit for it.
With 3 AP’s already I’ll say your pretty much good, but if you really want, it won’t be a bad idea if you self-study AP Psyc to be able to take a harder AP at your school senior year, but not if it’s gonna hinder your grades in other classes this year or take up too much of your time. Always remember all work and no play makes scull a dull person.</p>