AP scores are out for those who are wondering for Bama Credit

<p>It is really nice to see those credits, congrats :)</p>

<p>My D’s AP credits from this year are in the unofficial transcript area. </p>

<p>Did all of your child’s AP credits show up?</p>

<p>^ All of my son’s credits showed up. Pretty nice to have sophomore standing by credit hours before he has taken a single class. Where were these AP courses when I was in High School???</p>

<p>Stupid question, but where is the “unofficial transcript” button? I can’t seem to find it.</p>

<p>Not a stupid question…</p>

<p>Go to MyBama</p>

<p>click on Student Tab</p>

<p>go to the left column</p>

<p>Student Services</p>

<p>Student Records</p>

<p>Academic Transcript</p>

<p>Thanks a lot, found it.</p>

<p>Good to see I at least passed all my AP tests this year.</p>

<p>Are the AP scores from sophomore and junior years supposed to be there also? I don’t see any of my credit for AP tests I took as a sophomore or junior. But then, this might have to do with going over the limit of 45 credit hours(I have 44 credit hours just from senior year)</p>

<p>My D’s transcript has credit for the AP exam she took junior year as well as senior, so maybe it is a limit issue for you, but I would double check.</p>

<p>My son’s AP credits from his junior year are there, as are the ones from his senior year (38 credits total). He didn’t have any from freshman or sophomore years.</p>

<p>Thanks randomparent. My D wasn’t consistent in filling out her AP packet from year to year. I will send all the scores separately. Oh well.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone on their AP credits!! It feels good to have them.</p>

<p>Are anyone’s credits NOT showing up? CLEP credit is listed for my D, but not AP. I am wondering if it is because I had to do the phone send, and they got sent on July 1st, possibly later then everyone that is seeing their credits?</p>

<p>Fo us, senior year AP scores are showing but not junior year. I was hoping they would both go but it looks like we will have to send Junior year scores separately. Oh well.</p>

<p>woo hoo they are all there and S passed Stats, that was the questionable one- it is showing 34.96 credits so an official sophomore. Not bad for someone who only took 1 AP class Jr. year(none 9&10). Those summer college programs really paid off particularly the one that awarded him full tuition,r&b.</p>

<p>When CB sends senior scores to Bama, they’re supposed to send them all…even from previous years. </p>

<p>Although you can only use 45 credits, I think they’re all supposed to show up. I would think you’d get to PICK which ones should count towards your “45”.</p>

<p>Wouldn’t you be able to request? I’ve received credit for non-honors sections of courses and will contact my advisor in the hope that I can switch it over to honors. It’s not <em>that</em> big of a deal to me, but it makes fulfilling my honors requirements easier.</p>

<p>Are you saying that you have AP credits for - say - Biology…and you want to have it credits as Honors Bio for honors credit?</p>

<p>I don’t think Bama will do that.</p>

<p>D’s AP credits are now on DegreeWorks.</p>

<p>Our son’s AP credits are also now in DegreeWorks.</p>

<p>My son took the Spanish language test at Bama bound and scored high enough to get credit for the the first levels. I don’t see any indication on degree works that he has credit for the 2 semesters of Spanish. Everything else seems to be there but not the language. Am I wrong to think he would get credit for those classes?</p>

<p>I think it is just a placement test, meaning he can skip those classes but doesn’t actually get credit. D didn’t take the test, so I’m just guessing based on a similar experience with her studio art classes. She placed out of some foundation classes after a portfolio review, but she doesn’t actually get credit.</p>

<p>S took CLEP test for Spanish, etc. He is enrolling this fall with 36 hours of credit under his belt! Woo hoo!</p>

<p>Y’know, all this makes me think back to MY high school years. My own parents were totally checked out when I was in HS, and my guidance counselor was AWOL. I asked "What are AP classes?"and some other student said, “Oh, they’re just much harder. Don’t take 'em.” I got a letter from NMSQ saying I was a semi-finalist, and I thought it meant “Nice try, but too bad – you didn’t score high enough to make finalist.” So I just threw it out. :-O</p>

<p>I hope all the CC kids on this forum will take a moment and go thank their parents for help, guidance, advice, and involvement.</p>