AP Statistics hard?

<p>What is the general difficulty of AP Stats compared to AP Environmental Science or AP Calculus AB? </p>

<p>Also, what would be the best prep books for AP Stats? Thanks</p>

<p>I've heard it would go:</p>

<p>APES < STATS < AB</p>

<p>I don't know about APES, but Statistics is incomparable to calculus in terms of difficulty (but then again, calculus isn't all that hard either). </p>

<p>The best prep book for stats is Barron's. I used it to self study this year, and I scored a 5.</p>

<p>Most people say it isn't very hard... I'm considering self-studying, but we'll see.</p>

<p>Calculus is fairly difficult. Probably one of the harder ones.</p>

<p>APES is stupidly easy. Stats is closer to APES than to Calc.</p>

<p>I see, I've heard that much of AP Stats is writing in full sentences using words. </p>

<p>How much writing (in words) would you say there is in Stats compared to writing (in the form of graphs, mathematical symbols, and numbers)?</p>

<p>Are a lot of the answers slightly subjective, or is one able to reach a rather "universal conclusion" based on the problems presented?</p>

<p>AP Stats was the easiest AP test I took, and thats saying a lot. I thought about 6-7 of the APs I took were ridiculously easy, but stats was in a whole other level of easy. It was basically just common sense, as long as you knew the material, which isn't that hard.</p>

<p>wow, thanks guys! my confidence is building up lol... i got a 5 in calc ab, this yr im planning to take APES and ap stats, woot,i will study hard and get 5s!! yeeer</p>

<p>Stats at my school is sooooooooooooooooooooo hard. likeno joke. most schools have an easy AP stats class.</p>

<p>^It only means your going to murder the AP exam. My school has an easy AP Stats class but everyone (mostly) still gets a 5 on the exam.</p>

<p>LOL stat is the easiest ap ever...they used to put it after ap calc bc...and everyone was like ***...</p>

<p>but now instead i get to take postcalc math...uh...yay?</p>

Wouldn't the next math be Multivariable Calculus?</p>

<p>I know that a few magnet schools offer AP Stats approved by the CB, but do it with calculus.</p>

<p>it isn't hard once you get the concepts, but if you don't its tough</p>

<p>For some reason, the students at my school (not including myself; I have not and will not be taking stats) have a differing opinion of stats in comparison to what has been expressed on this board. It's probably that the teacher is exceptionally difficult, although I believe only one student received a 5 on the exam, so I'm somewhat puzzled...</p>

<p>If you have a difficult teacher, than why would only 1 person have a 5? That means you have a bad teacher, not a difficult one. She probably doesn't each Stats appropriately. If only 1 person has received a 1, then she is teaching the wrong material.</p>

<p>^^Yeah, that's probably accurate. Again, I didn't take that class but do know the teacher (whom I'm not exactly a fervent supporter of), and what you said makes sense.</p>

<p>My school is not that competitive, and there were lots of people who scored a 5 on the Stats exam at my school last year. (To give you an idea of how not competitive it is, the highest score on the USH exam was a 3) However, we do have an amazing math teacher. I have him for Calc BC and Stats this year and I don't think I'll have any problems getting a 5 on either exam.</p>

<p>I’m worried about the writing and subjective part of stats.
I’ve heard it is more writing than math and that the writing portion is extremely difficult considering I (or we self - studyers ) would have without having the chance to do it and learn from it during class.</p>

<p>Would the barrons ap book be enough to cover this ?
I have 5 - steps to a 5 which to me is decent but i have no other statisics book to compare to.</p>


<p>does ap stats normally start difficult and become progressively easier as the year goes on?</p>

<p>For most people on this website, interacting with the opposite gender is harder than understanding AP statistics. The same goes for every AP exam out there.</p>