App status change?

<p>Ds' admissions message changed to "sent to committee.." so hoping some acceptances get rolling out soon! Anyone else?</p>

<p>Nothing here… We applied for EA on 10/7 and thought that decisions will be release on 2/1 (on the late side for EA). When did you get your application in? Keep us posted and let’s hope for good news all around!</p>

<p>Ds submitted 10/22, maybe just all the file is matched up. I wl keep you posted!</p>

<p>When i log in i cant see my documents any more, I dont seee anything about my app being reviewed either.</p>

<p>what is this supposed to mean???</p>

<p>When you go to the page where all the docs received were listed, my ds’ page now says "Your application has been sent to the admission committee for review. We appreciate your patience during this time and will mail your admission notification according to the application option you chose. For information about admission notification dates, go to <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;." No change since yesterday so maybe it just means the file is all complete but he still has to wait till Feb 1? Hope not!</p>

<p>My son’s changed to the same thing yesterday. He applied EA to the architecture program.</p>

<p>Where is it changing at? Is under Admission Documents Recieved?</p>