Application cancelled after postponement?

<p>I was postponed for freshman admission in December. I did not submit mid-year senior grades because I had some medical issues during term 2 of this year. Today I went online and my status said "Your application for this term has been cancelled. If you have questions or concerns, contact the Office of Admissions at 608/262-3961."
I pretty much expected something like this, since I sent Madison a letter saying why I don't have mid-year senior grades a few days ago.</p>

<p>The thing is, though, that I still really really want to go to Madison! I have since I was 13 years old! Because of this, I have decided to reapply next year as a sophomore transfer student. My question is this: will being cancelled this year have any adverse effect on my transfer admission next year? Will I be seen as an irresponsible, negligent bum for not submitting mid-year grades, even though I couldn't help it? Basically, which will be more beneficial for me next year--being cancelled or being flat-out denied? (I kind of wish I had been flat-out denied.) Am I right in thinking this?</p>

<p>By the way, here are my stats:</p>

<p>Race: White, 3/8 Jewish
GPA: 3.0UW
Rank: 139/298 (53rd percentile)
ACT: 34 (35E, 36M, 31R, 33S)
SAT: 2110 (740CR, 700M, 670W)
Mostly enhanced and AP classes
Great essay and 3 outstanding recs
Extracurriculars: Academic Decathlon and Science Olympiad (since 2005)
Note: My GPA, rank, and number of ECs all kinda suck because my mother has nearly died 8 times since my freshman year. Also, I had to spend 13 months in out-of-home placement for the same reason.</p>

<p>I have already been accepted at UW-Eau Claire and plan to transfer from there to Madison in fall 2009. (I also want to drastically improve my r</p>

<p>i don't think so. good luck!</p>

<p>If you cant work it out this year than just apply as a sure that as loong as you did well in whatever college you go to...this wont have any impact.</p>


<p>Give the Admissions office a call for the official word. I suspect your cancellation was due to not filing all the required paperwork, so- don't worry and you can apply as a transfer without any problem, a fresh start to the process.</p>

<p>Madison Area Technical College has a program that allows you to attend couses in Madison and at the end of two years with reasonable stats be guaranteed admission to UW. Courses are near the UW campus, you can live on campus, I believe you even get some sort of ID that will allow you to participate in some of the UW activities and facilities. It is a junior college, but has the advantage of smaller classes for the same courses you would have to take your first year at UW. While UW Eau Claire is a nice school, MATC may offer a similar curriculum and you can start to establish yourself in Madison...</p>

<p>However- the student body and strength of the MATC courses will not compete with the 4 year colleges. Much better to go to UW EC and transfer, you will get the freshman in college experience among students closer in caliber to UW Madison. No need to "establish yourself" in Madison without also being part of the campus. Better to mingle with full time college students, live in the college dorms and transfer like many UW students do. You may even decide to stay...</p>