Why could I have been postponed?

<p>Hi, I was just postponed from Wisconsin-Madison today, and honestly, I am feeling pretty shocked.</p>

<p>My stats were:</p>

<p>Out of State (Illinois)
4.16 W, 3.58 UW, 33 ACT, 34 Superscore, 11 on Writing
Great Essays, Good Extra-Cirriculars, Good Letter of Recommendation
9 AP's, and a vigorous course load</p>

<p>My school had over 100 applications to Wisconsin this year, which is more than in prior years. It is one of the best schools in Illinois. I applied 2 days before the deadline, but other people from my school that applied a week or more before the deadline (with similar stats to me) mostly got in. I am probably in the top 20-40% of the people that applied from my school, so I am wondering why I could have been postponed. Could they have just already accepted too many people from my school? Or was I lacking in some way? I am taking 6 AP classes this semester, so maybe they just want to make sure I can handle it and want to see the mid-year report. I have 4 A's, a B, and a C+ right now (hopefully can raise to an B). Do you think that those grades would be good enough for me to be accepted in the second review? Also, is there anything else that I should do to help boost my chances of getting accepted in the second review?</p>

<p>Sorry I asked a lot of questions, but I would really appreciate some feedback.

<p>No one will know, could be GPA, essay or recs. but, your credentials are strong. Believe in yourself. I bet you get in anyway.</p>

<p>I was accepted and our stats are almost exactly the same, only exception is that i have a 3.9 uw gpa. Maybe gpa is a high priority for admissions right now? But I’m sure you will later get accepted, best of luck. </p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback. I’ve asked 7 people from my school that got their admissions decisions today, and 6 got rejected and only one waitlisted (he had nearly identical stats as me). No one got admitted today as far as I know from my school. Some people that had a better gpa than me got flat-out rejected. I guess I should be considered one of the lucky ones. I’m guessing that they are being more harsh this year because we had a lot more kids apply from around my area. Oh well, at least I got into Penn State today!</p>

<p>Waitlisted has a different meaning. I think you mean to say postponed.</p>

<p>Congrats on your Penn State acceptance!</p>

<p>Likely your gpa kept you on the postponed pool. At least you were not outright rejected. Much too soon for the waitlist. You are in that pool of students that could get in unless too many with better credentials apply by the deadline.</p>