Application Completion notice. It seems decisions will be mailed by 12/15.

<p>We now have received all your credentials and your application appears to be
complete at this time. If for some reason we should find that we need
additional information, we will contact you.</p>

<p>We expect to mail Early Action admissions decisions by December 15th.</p>

<p>did u get that in an email? I haven’t got any emails so far from caltech about my applications. and yay! december 15th!!! woot!</p>

check the director’s blog at caltech [Caltech:</a> Director’s Notebook](<a href=“]Caltech:”>
It looks like they’ll be sending emails telling you what you’re missing if anything. Also you should have at least received an email saying they’d received you’re appplication(see the Nov. 6) entry on the blog. Give Caltech Admissions a call if you applied EA and haven’t received an email saying they had your application.<br>
Good luck!</p>

<p>Yup! wildchartermage; it was the 2nd email from the Caltech Admissions after the Nov. 3rd about the application receive. These two were different from the regular emails I’ve been receiving from the admission office about things going on at Caltech. These emails have been making Caltech more and more interesting to me.</p>

<p>lol. I did get an email saying they got my application, but not the emails saying my application is complete. =(. I hope to get that email soon, or my dad will call caltech soon!
And I agree, indianInLA, those emails from caltech are getting interesting. =). So, if I get into caltech, I’m sure to go to caltech’s pre-frosh weekend.</p>

<p>I got one on Nov 5 saying they’d received my application and that they are checking to see if they have everything else. I haven’t received the second email though.</p>

<p>I’m a little worried because I had my community college transcripts sent to all of the colleges I’m applying to as well as my house so that I can turn them in to my school. I haven’t received the transcripts yet, so I don’t know whether Caltech has them either.</p>

<p>i havent heard anything from caltech since the initial ‘hey we’ll let u know about ur app’ email. and the blog email</p>

<p>but thats it</p>

<p>kinda worries me :frowning:
i really wanna get in …</p>

<p>not to worry, straight from the director’s blog Nov. 14, 2008:
“If you haven’t yet received an email indicating that your application is compete you should not panic. We still have several hundred teacher recommendations to process this afternoon. I know that this will complete many applications. If you do receive an email on Monday indicating that items are missing, you will be given an opportunity to submit the documents. Please remember, you will not be penalized if your application is incomplete. We know this is likely not your fault and we will be sure that you have time to complete your application.”</p>

<p>haven’t got either.</p>

<p>To the poster worried about the community college transcripts, I wouldn’t worry too much if you took the classes as dual credit and they show up on your high school transcript. That is one thing I found kind of infuriating about the admission process. They want all these transcripts and my son got credit several places in high school, so you pay for all of these college transcripts and Caltech takes absolutely no other credits anyway, from a community college, another university taken while in high school, or AP. Since my son took his credits as dual, meaning he got high school credit, all grades showed on his high school transcript, yet Caltech wanted transcripts and course descriptions. If they aren’t going to give you college credit, and it shows on your high school transcript, why do they need the college ones, except to cost you about $40 for absolutely no reason? Why would they need a course description when they don’t need one for any of your high school classes, since they are treating it like a high school class when you have no chance at getting credit for it? A stupid annoying cost for the student for absolutely no reason. And they actually bug you endlessly until they receive them.</p>

<p>I would imagine the reason that they want these transcripts and class descriptions is because these classes can potentially show both capability (to do well at Caltech) and passion for something in math/science. That is, they are considered in the admissions process. I can tell you though that I’m 100% sure that it’s done for a reason.</p>

<p>I find it hard to find a reason for a community college course he took in spring of his senior year that was not completed until Caltech already admitted him and the grade showed on his final high school transcript. They have already admitted him, all they should care about is the grade, not costing him another $10. I don’t think this transcripts are important for much. just another expense.</p>

<p>Well, if it’s an issue you can always talk to your son’s admissions officer to get their take on things. You might be surprised at what they have to say.</p>

<p>I sent an email to an admissions officer and they said they don’t need the college transcripts if it’s on the high school transcript. The problem is that I haven’t been able to turn in the college transcripts at school, so I need to send them to all of the schools I’m applying to, except for the UCs.</p>

<p>Good, maybe all of the complainng I did last year helped, since they demanded transcripts from two colleges when the grades were on the high school transcript they had at the time of admission, and the third one was after he was admitted, all on his high school transcript and they still wanted it anyway. Hope they aren’t still requiring course descriptions. It really seems that it should not bring anyone’s admission prcoess to a standstill, even if it is not on the high school transcript yet.</p>

<p>Did somebody not get e-mail about application completion?</p>

<p>quick q do they only notify us about decisions by mail? Or do they also send emails?
god i am getting so nervous now, its like 20 days left.</p>

<p>i got the email notification about application completion
when they say 12/15, does that mean we find out ON that day, or do we have to wait a few days for postal mail?? </p>

<p>and what does the mail look like if you are:
A) Rejected
B) Deferred
C) Accepted</p>

<p>^ also is cal tech like MIT where they deferr like most of the applicants?</p>