Application Help?

<p>I submitted an application in late September. Last week I wanted to make changes to my app but couldn’t and had to start a new application. However, I could not submit the new application because the original one was already process… so I withdrew the original application but they are still not letting me submit my new application and I am receiving this message: “You have already completed an undergraduate application of this type for this term.” </p>

<p>Has anyone else had this problem? Should I create a new account and start fresh?</p>

<p>We did not experience this- but you should probably call or email admissions. There is likely an easy fix to this. </p>

<p>Contact Admissions and also contact your area rep. Who is your area rep? </p>

Eastern Pennsylvania, Central and Southern New Jersey
<a href=“”></a></p>

Upstate New York, Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Which one is your rep? send that person an email and tell them what happened. Include your name, address, phone, CWID and anything else.</p>

<p>Thank you so much! I contacted admissions. Hopefully this will be fixed soon :)</p>

<p>Also, send your rep an email…they can work the issue as well.</p>

<p>I am having a problem with mybama. </p>

<p>It is still not showing any transcripts being received, nor payment info.</p>

<p>I contacted admissions last week, via email and haven’t received a response yet.</p>

<p>I did call UA this morning and left a message, no reply as of yet.</p>

<p>Is the mybama website updated quickly? I have called my DS’s “counselor” a few times, but she doesn’t respond. It has been 3 weeks since DS applied. Very frustrating. </p>

<p>Weird. </p>

<p>You sent an email to your area recruiter? Which method did you use? The email link on the recruiters’ pages do not work. (crazy!). You have to use the directory to find their actual email.</p>

<p>Who is your child’s recruiter?</p>

<p>I’m guessing that you called Admissions below?

<p>Local: (205) 348-5666
Toll Free: 1-800-933-BAMA (2262)
Fax: (205) 348-9046</p>

<p>S’s has been updated daily as materials are received, last item today after 10 days is test score. You should have gotten an e-mail a few minutes after submitting the application that confirms fee payment from <a href=“”></a>. Did you get that? Is there a charge on your credit card for the $40?</p>

<p>Well I called UA again and actually spoke to admissions and DS’s transcripts are still not there.</p>

<p>Have to call his HS AGAIN; I am so aggraveted with is counselor! </p>

<p>I remember back before our local HSs switched to Parchment, we used to go into office, pay a dollar and had to provide SASE to mail the transcript. Things are so much simpler here now with Parchment. But even then they always got things sent quickly.</p>

<p>Maybe you could go to the office with a SASE and say that if they are having trouble sending electronically (or getting the mail out if they still do things that way), that you would like to find a way to help them to expedite the process. Could they print a copy and put it in this handy envelope? Or offer to stuff envelopes, sort mail into employee mailboxes or deliver notes to classrooms to free up a few minutes of time so they can take care of your business. Either they’ll take you up on it or be shamed into taking care of it for you without your volunteer assistance…</p>

<p>Did UA process your payment?</p>