<p>I got a similar email. They’ll allow you to check your credentials at midnight CST.</p>
<p>I have a sneaking suspicion that they’re missing my mailed stuff–in which case I’m pretty much screwed, because it takes two weeks to process transcripts at my school and there is no way that I can get it all in by December 3rd (and it looks like they mean “in”, not postmarked.) And that’s not even dealing with my teacher recs and secondary school report…</p>
<p>We had stuff that went IN THE SAME ENVELOPE and some things were checked as received and others weren’t. Recs may be separated into one pile, transcripts another, etc. as they are sorted in admissions.</p>
<p>I do not understand these HS registrar offices that insist on a month to <em>re-send</em> a transcript. As a parent, I will tell you that if you need a transcript for an app that was lost in the mail/processing, go in and plead your case. Bring a parent. There is no need for arbitary unhelpfulness. Our GC faxed something within five minutes for S when we told her there was a problem, and this was at a huge, severely impacted public HS.</p>
<p>It’s not like you were slacking and failed to remember you needed a transcript for that EA app. Stuff, requested and sent in a timely manner, gets lost or mis-filed. &^%$ happens. Responsible people recognize the difference and act accordingly.</p>
<p>I got one as well, but the email I got was about financial aid information. I believe it has something to do with them not receiving income tax return forms from my “non-custodial” parent, although, at this point, they are the exact same as my custodial parent’s forms because the divorce just took place recently. Gimp situation. I just hope I get things taken care of soon.</p>
<p>Yes, it’s YOUR fault your letter wasn’t sorted in the right pile. <em>sarcasm</em></p>
<p>At least you’re aware of what’s missing and you have the time and capacity to remedy it. If there are communication problems between your hs and the admissions office, NOW is when I think you have every reason to bug the office now.</p>
<p>Ah curses. The bold “For Informational Purpose” part of the email would have been good to fully notice. I’m glad they sent that, though. They clarified the whole tax return forms situation, so now I know that all of my application material should be there.</p>
<p>neltharion, glad to be of help! We were very pleasantly surprised last year with S1’s guidance office. I’ve seen folks complain about registrars wanting 30 days’ notice for Intel, NMF, scholarship apps, etc. – sometimes the sponsoring organization doesn’t even give students 30 days to turn around stuff! If we needed a transcript for that kind of thing, the GC or the teacher coordinating the activity got it taken care of, usually within a day or two. The transcripts were usualy free or at a reduced fee in those circumstances, too.</p>
<p>I just don’t like seeing adults playing power games with students who have followed the rules and made a serious attempt at organization and time management.</p>
<p>My transcript, SSR, and one rec were marked as missing. All of this information was submitted online.</p>
<p>I called the undergrad office and asked them about this; they ran another check through my file and I was told that they have everything after all…</p>
<p>^ Wow. Unnecessary worrying sucks. I should probably give them a call and see what happened too, but the odds are that they are missing my information (SSR, transcript, both recs) since I sent that stuff in my mail (and in the same envelope too).</p>
<p>So after rushing around in the morning and the afternoon between my teachers’ classrooms and the counselor’s office, I managed to get everything together. Counselor’s office was amazingly accommodating: Prepared a rush transcript for me and sent it off in something like three hours, faxed the two teacher recs, and will fax the SSR whenever they can. Hopefully it’ll all be there by the deadline. Meanwhile, I’ll twiddle my thumbs, sing Kumbaya, and pray.</p>
<p>We got the email too. It said D’s transcript and her Teacher 2 evaluation are missing. We had a confirmation from Docufide that the transcript had been downloaded, but can’t vouch that the Teacher (the math teacher) sent in her form. She said not to worry, but it’s not there. And D’s HS is closed all of Thanksgiving week – so although we got the notification of missing credentials, there is nothing we can do till Monday, December 1. It’s a bit nervewracking.</p>
<p>Got all the same “we’re missing your…” e-mails and whatever. It said I was missing all the school stuff–transcript, SSR, both teacher recommends. I flipped out, of course, but the next day my college placement officer and I called about three times and finally got through. They had everything after all. I think, if you haven’t already settled your score, that it’s just UChicago messing up. They ARE new to common app this year and all. My credentials page has now been updated to reflect the fact that my application IS complete, after all.</p>