Application question?

<p>DS submitted application regular decision. I read a couple of things that said he would get an email with a link to the Honors program application, but when we went to his portal online to check the status of his application, the Honors application link is there. He went ahead and filled it out and submitted, but I'm wondering if this is a good sign that the link was already on his portal?</p>

<p>The honors link is neither a positive nor negative indication of anything.</p>

<p>Yeah, I well remember that when my daughter was applying to colleges, I wanted to read meaning into every little occurrence. But really, I was just slightly crazy. (If you doubt me, ask my daughter.)</p>

<p>So I totally understand where the desire to see meaning here comes from, but I really doubt there is any.</p>

<p>Best of luck to your son.</p>

<p>No worries… have no doubt he will be admitted to the school, just thought it was weird as their own website says once they are deemed qualified to apply for honors they will receive an email with access to the honors application, yet there it is right on his portal with no such email having been sent. Hope it was OK that he went ahead and submitted, he does meet their basic honors requirements… just trying to get as much done over the break as possible.</p>