Does this mean he is in???

<p>I know that the VA Tech Admissions web site has said they will post online their admission decisions for ED on Wednesday around 5:00. However, this afternoon my son logged into his Guest Access Information account to double check something. There is a new link on his account. It is an invitation to apply for the honors program. When he clicks on the link for the application, it has his basic information in there and says he is an Engineering student. Does this mean he got in? Maybe this was an oops that someone posted too soon?</p>

<p>SAME WITH ME!!! if this is true, I would be so happy :D</p>

<p>Congratulations!!! I think it’s absolute proof that you all Are in!!</p>

<p>Have either of you gotten an invitation in the mail to apply for the Honors College and/or are you statistically within the window where you would be expecting an invitation to apply?</p>

<p>I don’t know of any antedates of this relating to ED, however during RD students started receiving invitations to apply to Honors in late January/early February prior to being formally admitted to VT (not Honors) in mid-February. It was looked upon as a psydo-likely letter…no guarantees but a strong indication if you were being sent an invitation to honors. There were no reports of changes in the ‘guest access’ or applicant portal page, although that’s not to say it didn’t exist. My son wasn’t one to pour over every inch of those webpages looking for any sign of change, and I don’t remember anyone mentioning it here.</p>

<p>Bottom line…you’ve got 49 hours to make it official. I know it’s very, very hard. Hang in there!!! :)</p>

<p>edit to add…the other thing to note is if you have classmates that are also applying ED and are anxiously awaiting word on Wednesday afternoon, they may not have this distinction on their online portal but it may not mean they are not admitted, just as the distinction may not necessarily mean admitted. Until you see a big Congratulations on Wednesday I’d try not to over think this. By sharing this information publicly you could really cause some students to become upset or very anxious for no reason.</p>

<p>It is on the Guest account… there is a little button that says “University Honors” Application > you go to application > scroll to page two</p>

<p>and this is what comes up</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>If one person reporting seeing this has stats that does not fit within these perimeters this ‘link’ may not mean what you think it does (ie every applicant may have it right now, you just don’t know). I would try to manage your expectations until you get the official answer on Wednesday.</p>

<p>[Admissions</a> to Honors | University Honors | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>

<p>My stats do not fit these parameters, and I do not see any “little button” that says University Honors, or maybe I’m not looking in the right place. Where do you see this button? Also, I’ve never seen a page like the one your link takes one to, but maybe I’m doing something wrong (though I doubt it). I am not applying to Engineering though, so things could be different.</p>

<p>I went to the Guest Account, logged in, then I go to Fall 2013 and it simply shows me my application info–like when they got my transcript and such.</p>

<p>I personally think it is very good news, potentially. Do your stats match the requirements for University Honors? Blueiguana is right though, best to take deep breaths until Wed. night :)</p>

<p>My stats are mixed. Some meet, some dont.</p>

<p>It should be a little icon right below Fall 2013 </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My son is definitely within the parameters and I could see him being invited to apply for honors. However, we are not taking this as confirmation, although it does have us very curious. I am definitely holding off on saying anything to family and friends and have told my son not to say anything until we get that confirmation at 5:00 pm on Wednesday. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Voodoo, I definitely don’t have any icon right below Fall 2013
All I have are two links, one to go to “undergraduate admissions” and another to go to “graduate admissions” sites. My GPA reaches the Honors threshold, but definitely not my standardized testing scores, FWIW. Best of luck!!</p>



<p>This is where things start to get confusing and people start to get anxious. An applicant must meet both SAT/ACT and the GPA requirements for an honors invitation. You do not meet the SAT requirement. This brings up my point that this may not mean what it was first proposed as…Ahhhh, I am invited to apply to Honors, I have a link, this must mean I’M IN BABY!!! As we can see there is someone with the link who although is a qualified candidate, does not meet the requirements for honors.</p>

<p>This type of conjecture serves to make a lot of people anxious for no reason days and hours before announcements. Please be kind to those who are waiting with you and try not to hype things like this.</p>

<p>FWIW, there was nothing wrong IMO with hope2behokie’s question/post. It’s just a matter of keeping things at a dull roar if at all possible, and keep from spreading unverified information.</p>

<p>Fair enough, blueiguana, I might have fanned things on by responding to the initial thread–which is OK, but I certainly don’t want to cause anyone angst. No one has a crystal ball, so only time will tell. Best of luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I just got an email telling me to apply to VT when I already did. What does this mean? Did I get deferred? omg this is so painful. I’m on borderline</p>

<p>I wasn’t trying to point fingers. Everyone is excited and nervous. I just don’t want this taking on a life of it’s own when it appears we really don’t have definitive evidence of anything tied to the HC, that’s all.</p>

<p>sunnyboi21 - All colleges use marketing firms to send out mailers, postcards, view books, emails, etc, to generate interest. Oftentimes the right hand doesn’t coordinate so well with the left hand. I wouldn’t think twice about it. I have heard about people who have been encouraged to apply after being denied…now that’s harsh. :mad: Sadly, it’s a product of the way larger universities do business now. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Sunnyboi21, my son got the same email today. I would not read anything into it.</p>

<p>hm… A friend of mine from V-Tech said I’m on the very low end
GPA 3.6 out of like 4.5 gpa (weird)
SAT 1130 (2 part)
classes - 8 honors/ 14 ib (3 hl)
sports every season
2 clubs every year
chance me here :]</p>

<p>Did anyone who got the message about the Honors Program and supposedly got into VT get that email today about the 7 reasons to become a Hokie? Just curious if it went to EVERYONE.</p>

I did not get that e-mail.</p>

<p>I got the email (three times in a row…) and I was invited to apply to Honors.</p>