Application questions: GPA effect of classes the summer before 9th grade through the end of 10th grade

The following are some of the classes taken by S24 so far. I am curious how they will affect his GPAs (unweighted, fully weighted, and weighted capped). Any thoughts would be appreciated.

In the summer before 9th grade he completed:
-2 semesters of a HS class that meets G College-Preparatory Elective
-1 semester of a Community College (CC) GE class

In the summer before 10th grade he completed:
-1 semester of a CC GE class

In 10th grade:
-1 semester of a CC GE class
-4 semesters of a UC Honors Class - finishing these two year long classes spring 2022

How do you think this will affect the GPAs?

Am I correct to assume that the summer before 9th grade classes, HS and CC, will not be included in any UC Application GPA?

For fully weighted GPA would he get a total of 6 honors points added to the calculation? For capped, he would only get 4 of the 6 he earned, correct?

I forgot to add - there is also a 1 semester CC GE class in the second semester of 9th grade, but I don’t think I need to include it in my question; I’m not sure that information would be helpful.

For fully weighted GPA would he get a total of 6 honors points added to the calculation? For capped, he would only get 4 of the 6 he earned, correct?

You are correct on the above.

Any a-g courses taken prior to 9th grade and 9th grade will not be included in the UC GPA calculation. The summer prior to 10th to the summer prior to 12th a-g courses will be included in the UC GPA calculation which includes UC transferable CC classes. Maximum # of honors points for Honors/AP/IB or DE/CC classes for 10th grade is 4 semesters or 2 year long classes for the capped weighted UC GPA. The total Honors points for the Capped weighted is 8 semesters or 4 year long classes. Maximum UC capped weighted GPA= 4.4

The UC’s also consider the unweighted UC GPA and the fully weighted GPA so all UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE/CC courses will be weighted in the Fully weighted UC GPA calculation with the calculation guidelines (summer prior to 10th to summer prior to 12th).

Here is the UC GPA calculator I like to use which calculates all 3 UC GPA’s. GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

The capped weighted UC GPA is the GPA commonly posted on the UC website but several UC’s such as UCB and UCLA will also post the admitted student profiles with the fully weighted UC GPA.

Thank you, Gumbymom, for the information and link. I think I am confused by these two points in regard to the CC classes:

I am assuming the earlier classes would be considered not “UC approved” because they were taken too early. Does that sound right?

I need to actually edit that statement. It should read: All UC approved Honors/AP/IB and DE/CC classes taken within the UC GPA calculation guidelines (summer prior to 10th to summer prior to 12th) will be included in the Fully weighted UC GPA.

All a-g courses taken the summer prior to 9th through 12th grade will be listed on the UC application with grades for all but the in-progress/planned 12th courses. Grades from the a-g courses including the CC courses if they UC transferable taken the summer prior to 10th through the summer prior to 12th will be included in the 3 UC GPA calculations. 9th grade courses/grades are reported but not used in the GPA calculation.

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Yes, that cleared it up, thank you!

Although it is a slight let-down that the early classes will not be included in the application GPA, I believe we are safe in our assumption that if he is admitted and those classes are UC/major transferable then he will get college credit, correct?

Yes, the CC courses if UC transferable will give him college credit.

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