Applying for fall 2013?

<p>Is anybody on here applying for the fall of 2013? I just wanted to talk to some other people about why they like the school!</p>

<p>My daughter will be applying. We like the way they schedule the classes -allows for concentration/focus of one subject at a time, much like intensive summer courses she has taken.</p>

<p>I am applying! I am still kinda debating what test scores I should send though.</p>

<p>Also, they are visiting my school but on their website they have no interview times listed for Oregon. I sent the admissions person an email but they didn’t get back to me, and it has been a while. Any recommendations?</p>

<p>I visited CC a few weeks ago and fell in love. Pike’s Peak is right in their backyard and the school itself is a beautiful sight. When I went, the admissions team was very informative and made my desire to go to CC an urgency. The classes are discussion-based and small, which is great for learners who like to be engaged. You are able to immerse yourself in the subject without having to switch gears and take other classes simultaneously. The block plan is so amazing and allows for better learning and more freedom. I felt right at home at CC; it is my first choice.</p>

<p>I now have an interview spot! Any suggestions??</p>

<p>Also it says we need to teacher recs. Does this mean I can have a counselor and a teacher or do I specifically need to classes. I want to do my AP art teacher if I need two. Do you think this would be an academic subject (humanities)?</p>

<p>Still stressing about what test scores to send… :/</p>

<p>Just be yourself! Interview is super casual and meant solely to get to know you as an individual. You need two teacher recommendations as in classes, but you could have an art teacher write one of them.</p>

<p>My son is in the process of applying for next fall. It’s currently his #1 choice.</p>

<p>He’s got an interview there next week, and this will be his first college interview. When you say “Interview is super casual” and he reads their interview tips, he’s looking forward to wearing flip flops and sweat pants. Never having had to do a college interview myself, I don’t know for sure but that sounded like a bad idea. I called CC and asked them, and they suggested slacks, button-down shirt, and of course nice shoes to go with it.</p>

<p>Any input on appropriate attire would be helpful. I’ll be calling them again today to see what another person there says.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone who’s applying!</p>


<p>secondcor, do your son a huge favor: have him make the phone call to the Admissions Office. You should not be calling a college admissions office [a second time, no less!] asking what kind of clothes your grown son should wear to an interview. He’s a big boy. My lord.</p>

<p>S1 graduated in May and S2 is a sophomore. Colorado College students (like most college students ) are generally pretty casual in their everyday dress but both my boys put their khakis, dress shirts, and even a few sport coats to good use throughout the year. I would not suggest that your S wear sweatpants and flip flops to an interview. I would go with the first staff recommendation…when they refer to the interview as “casual” I believe they are referring to the fact that prospective students should not be worried about being placed in a stressful environment or asked trick or difficult questions like how to best solve the current economic crisis.</p>

<p>What types of questions do they ask? Any ones that were hard to answer or unexpected?</p>

<p>Regarding the interview, D2’s experience was that it was low key, but don’t forget that it is a highly selective school and students should approach it seriously with some well thought out opinions on Colorado College and the block system. D2 is now a freshman at CC and is loving it. She has completed 2 blocks and the school has matched her high expectations. According to her, school is great and the access to all things outdoors is amazing. The block system works. The combination of having the same class every day for 3 hours and the small class size provides for amazing interaction with the professors and a great learning experience. I would encourage students who have CC clearly at the top of their list to visit the school, interview, attend a class and consider ED. Statistically, the odds are much better and it was great to have the process complete in December.</p>

<p>I agree with what Brinker59 said. The admissions staff is fairly low key, but Colorado College is getting very selective. DS is a freshman and really enjoying it there. He’s also working harder than he ever has before. One of the things he loves is that everyone around him is smart, accomplished and interesting. </p>

<p>They just finished the second block and he just left on his fourth college sponsored trip! (NSO service trip, first block break FOOT backpacking trip, a week at Baca with his FYE class and now another service trip) He loves that there are lots of opportunities to do things with various small groups focused on an activity. It’s great for getting to know people.</p>

<p>I would also encourage ED or EA as it seems to give an admissions edge. Something like 33% accept rate for EA and ED and 14% for regular admits last year, so get your apps in! Oh, and if you do apply EA and then get an email asking if you’d like to change to ED, don’t read anything into it! Last year many EA applicants got those and some were then deferred and/or rejected. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’m Briana. Im applying EA. CC is my top choice. I love it. I feel that I will be most successful in the block plan. Im dyslexic and I feel that I learn better by focussing on one class at a time. I also love the block plan because I am an artist and when I take art classes, i dont have to worry about work for other courses. I could go on with what I love about CC and the block plan.
Hearing all about how CC’s admissions are getting more competitive is making me so nervous. When I saw the median SAT score, i freaked out. I really hope I get in. CC is my dream school and I can see myself going there</p>

<p>from the middlebury board:</p>

<p>10-15-2012, 10:26 PM #3
New Member</p>

<p>Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 13
I’m Briana. I’m applying ED 1 to Middlebury. I visited the campus and absolutely fell in love with it. Middlebury is my dream school !!! I really hope that I get in. Exactly 2 months until decisions are out. I’m freaking out.</p>


<p>I had my heart set on midd for months. I even applied ed to midd, but now I think that CC is my top choice. I applied ea to CC. I kinda hope now that I get into CC instead. I’ll just wait to see if I get in, which is very very low because midd is such a high reach for me. My SAT scores are way below the average that gets into Midd, but my Math and Writing scores are around the average for CC. I only have a 3.7 unweighted GPA and I took 6 AP classes.
From a realistic standpoint, I will more likely get denied to midd (and hopefully get accepted to CC). I know this sounds stupid, but I just realized that the CC would be a better fit for me and I would do better on the block plan.</p>

<p>You might want to consider changing your midd app to rd and your cc app to Ed! It will help you at cc!</p>

<p>Just an idea…</p>

<p>Has anyone received an email asking them to change to ED? I got the email for a second time today! I really don’t want to change because I haven’t visited and financial reasons. Should I respond to the email? It’s a mass email I am sure from the Director of Admission. He says people have already changed theirs…</p>

<p>It’s a mass email. I got the same thing. I wouldn’t take the “people have called our office and asked to change thing” too seriously. That could be… 2 people. I would not feel compelled to reply, thirrdplanet. I love CC… but applying ED is HUGE commitment. You don’t have the option to evaluate the costs of other colleges, or make sure this is really where you want to spend the next four years of your life.</p>

<p>I just meant should I respond with a courteous no or just not respond.</p>