Applying for honors freshman year?

<p>I didn't apply for honors because my SATs didin't meet the requirements, and I also would rather wait to see how I adjust to college before I commit. If all goes well, I may be interested in applying my freshman year if I do choose Tech.</p>

<p>How difficult is it to get in if you are applying at the end of freshman year? Are they more or less selective? I've read that honors selections are very unusual sometimes, so is there anything in particular they look for? Do they select you based on your major? Like, if I am one of the best in my major would I be accepted even if I wasn't one of the best overall? </p>

<p>Any other advice would be apppreciated.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>My understanding is they look for something that makes you interesting/unique…</p>