Applying for the 'automatic' scholarship

I’m sure this has been answered before, but I couldn’t seem to find an answer about applying for the out-of-state ‘automatic’ scholarships. I filled out the scholarship application which had the more specific scholarships you can apply for but didn’t see the out of state scholarships or scholarships for specific colleges (I’m going into engineering). I was wondering if you are automatically considered for the out-of-state scholarships and specific college scholarships once they review your scholarship application and factor in your scores and major of choice. Also, I have already been accepted to the university but was wondering when I would hear back for the scholarships as well.

Thanks for any help!

If you’ve already completed the application for admission and the scholarship application, you are good to go. The scholarship letter comes after the admissions letter - I think it was a few weeks later for my daughter. If you have the stats, you apply on time and you specify engineering as your major, you’ll get the automatic OOS scholarship and the engineering scholarship.

Awesome thanks!