<p>My question is should I be applying to some more challenging schools then the one already on my list? People over the past week have been telling me to look more at challenging schools as my profile speaks for itself.</p>
<p>About me: Currently a high school junior in a very reputable Jesuit school on the East Coast.</p>
<p>Hopeful major: Print/Online Journalism ( with an English degree as well)</p>
<p>GPA ( unweighted): 3.5</p>
<p>SAT: Taking it in May/June</p>
<p>I had no honors courses freshman year, however I achieved honoroll every marking period.</p>
<p>English 1, Algebra 1, Latin 1, World Civilization, Christian Ethics 1, Physics</p>
<p>Sophomore year: Grades continued to improve, took one honors course.</p>
<p>English 2 Honors, Chemistry, Geometry, Latin 2, German 1, Christian Ethics 2</p>
<p>Junior year: I have had B+/A average thus far while taking much tougher courses.</p>
<p>AP English Language, Algebra 2 Trignometry Honors, Biology Honors, German 2, US History 1, Christian Ethics 3</p>
<p>Though I havent picked my classes for senior year, this is what I have in mind: AP English Literature, AP Statistics, German 3 Honors, Calculus Honors ( that or Precalculus), US 2, Christian Ethics 4</p>
<p>Co-curriculars: Member of Newspaper, Avid school sports fan ( attend every sporting event around the school), member of Campus Ministry, A Tutor at my highschool's summer program for rising 8th graders</p>
<p>Outside of school: Lector at church, baseball coach, helping around the community</p>
<p>My biggest achievement ( what I feel separates me from most kids my age): I am an NFL Featured Columnist for BleacherReport.com. Became young person in the site's history to hit one million reads, have been featured on CBS Sports, Fox Sports, National Football Post, and others. ( Two workers in B/R plan to write recommendations for me).</p>
<p>My Schools:</p>
<p>Syracuse University
Boston University
Fordham University
Emerson College
Loyola Maryland
St. Joe's Philly
Fairfield University</p>
<p>These schools are listed in order of interest. Not looking for a school to be necessarily Jesuit but do you guys think I should be applying to tougher universities on the east coast that have a journalism program?</p>
<p>All comments are appreciated.</p>