<p>I am a senior. I am going to be interviewing for Carnegie Mellon tomorrow. It is an alumni interview so it is pretty low-key. I'm meeting her in a Borders Books in my city. i just wanted to know if an interview like this is realllllllly formal. My friends have gone to alumni interviews in jeans and a t-shirt because they said its low-key and just a casual conversation. IF IT WAS AN INTERVIEW WITH ADMISSIONS OFFICE, THEN IT WOULD BE FORMAL BUT THE WEBSITE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT ALUMNI INTERVIEWS BEING FORMAL ETC. Will i be okay if i dress more comfortably??</p>
<p>ANY OPINIONS from anyone who has perhaps gone through this process?</p>
<p>I wore a button up and a tie, but I was dressed for a meet. I’d say wear a button up and some khakis, it’ll give a better impression. But you’re not being judged on that, so nothing over the top</p>
<p>It’s your first impression, and the alum will think for a moment about whether she wants her alma mater to be represented by someone who looks like you. You should be comfortable, but you should also look presentable.</p>
<p>Slacks or khakis would be better than jeans, and probably more comfortable too. But the jeans will do in a pinch as long as they’re not ripped, bleached, skin-tight, or buckled under your butt (why does anyone wear clothes like that?).</p>
<p>Make sure your shoes are neat and presentable – polished if appropriate, at least clean if not. Loafers would be better than sneakers.</p>