April 7, Eastman School of Music emailed and said they have NOT made a decision yet

<p>My son got an email reply from Eastman School of Music
yesterday, April 7. They said they have NOT yet made a
decision in his case yet. </p>

<p>Is this a good or bad sign? All of his friends who applied
to Eastman have gotten their accept/reject letters more
than a month ago.(only comparing the ones who are on
the same playing level, music & academic-wise)</p>

<p>Since we live in California, it'll probably take 5 or 6 days
for the mail to arrive. Let's say Eastman makes a final
decision by next Friday, it's more than likely that we'll get
the letter in the LAST week of April... cutting it kind of
close to the May 1 deadline for other schools? (or do they
use FedEx?)</p>

<p>It was a real pain dragging this big instrument through the
airport to go to the audition at Eastman... I hope it wasn't
for nothing... :(</p>

<p>If this is the university of rochester, they are very late at mailing some information out. I wouldn't be too worried about not hearing from them as of this moment. At worst, your child may be on the border of acceptance/rejection. The longer the process drags out, I think the harder it will become to reject the prospective student. I was admitted into UofR (not Eastman school of music, didn't apply) about three weeks ago, but only received my financial information this week. Best of luck to you and your child!</p>