I am doing okay in APWH this year and currently have a 95 in the class right now. I am very worried for the big final exam that is coming up in May. The multiple choice tests that we take in class are very frustrating and difficult. I manage to get like 85-94 or sometimes somewhere in the upper 90s through guessing and a bit of background knowledge. Our teacher creates our multiple choice tests according to the college board and she said that the questions would be formatted and similar to the ones that will be on the test. I sometimes get to a point where i just don’t care and circle anything that sounds reasonable. I am VERY worried because if those kind of questions are on the apwh final then i will have a hard time. Can you please recommend a book or study tool that will help me study for those questions??? I currently have the APWH Princeton Review and i like it but is that enough??? The aspect about the test that really causes me to stress is the essays. Our teacher usually gives us the points before the day of the essay and we basically come in the next day with the points memorized and the prompt in mind and already annotated. But in the exam you won’t KNOW the prompts at all. Can u guys please recommend how I can be prepared for the essay part and how it was like for you if you had taken it before? Also is barron’s ap world history flashcards a good review tool?? Thank you all so much in advance!!
- Teacher tests are never, ever like the actual AP test.
- The essays are graded way more leniently than you think.
I got a 5 on the AP Eurooean History exam. Both of my FRQ essays were less than a page.
Wow really?! Because I was looking at the Apwh central page and was looking at past FRQ answers and they were kinda long and the one who got a decent score was very very analytical and connecting… More than what I can muster up and write on that paper in a certain amount of time
Thanks for your reply!
As far as essays go I think that having one really solid one and two decent ones is the key. I got a 5 on the exam last year and I was scoring in the 60’s for multiple choice and getting 8’s on DBQs and 6’s on CCOT’s and comparisons. On the test, I spent way more time than I should have on the DBQ creatively grouping and doing POV’s for every document. I hope that helps!
Thanks it did help! But did u have to make some info up for the essays? Like could You be vague when you really do not know what to put down for the essays??