Are 4 HLs worth it?

I’m considering HL history, HL GP, HL Math Applied, HL English, SL Chemistry, and SL Korean. I have perfect grades up to this point, but I also am trying to get involved in more extracurriculars.

Should I go for it?

HL History is really a lot of work but you should still go for it. HL English is very fun and easy (at least in my experience). I don’t know what is HL GP but HL Math is easy first year and a little hard second year (assuming HL math is the same as HL Math applied). If you can hold A’s in those classes by studying hard, why not? also you can do extracurriculars with a lot of IB classes in my experience but it requires careful focus on school and sometimes sleepless nights. But if you have perfect grades up until now, I think you can do it (but you know your capability better so you should decide yourself). Trust me, getting all A’s in all those classes along with extracurriculars will get you to a good college.

Quite simply, no.

3 HL’s are good enough, and there are schools having rules against 4 HL’s for a good reason.

In context of US colleges and applications… I’d like to say… it doesnt matter, since they care about more than the Grades… hence taking 3 HLs and having a better focus or grip makes more sense rather than compromising everything else for that 1 more HL and sightly more added rigor. The time investment is too much for a too little gain IMO.

Taking a focused group shows colleges u kno wat u want.

I agree…take 3 HLs and do wel lin them.

Hi, I agree 100% with TheGuy1: do not take 4 HLs. I worked as a university counselor in IB schools for years, and spoke to many uni admissions officers, and they all said the same thing: it shows poor decision making to increase an already super rigorous program. Do well on your 3 HLs, and spend more time being well-balanced (re: curricular activities).