Should I take 4 HL's?

<p>So I'm currently a sophomore attending an IB school, and I need to choose my courses for Junior and Senior Year. I plan on becoming a Physician's Assistant or a Nurse, so I was wondering if my course selection is good enough if I wanted to attend good medicine schools such as Drexel, or Penn State?</p>

<p>English HL
History HL
Biology HL
Math SL
Psychology SL
Spanish SL</p>

<p>Should I take a fourth HL or add chemistry in place of psychology? I'm worried because many people in my grade are taking 4 HL's or double sciences. People say chemistry is really hard though. I don't want to stress myself out since I have to do CAS, EE, TOK, and more, but I want to look good to colleges. Is this enough?</p>

<p>I’m gonna do IB next year, too. In my opinion, you really shouldn’t take a 4th HL. 3 HLs are hard enough.</p>