Are all Hispanics URM's or..?

<p>The question pretty much says it all.. Is it all groups of Hispanics that are considered URM's or just certain groups (puerto rican, mexican, Cuban, etc.)</p>

<p>I think mainland Puerto Ricans are considered URM.</p>

<p>Yes, all Hispanics with backgrounds from Spanish speaking countries (Brazil is a different question, and discussions of this can be found by using the Search function on this forum for ‘Brazil’ or ‘Brazilian’) are considered URMs for college admissions purposes. Please see post #1 of the Definition sticky thread for how college admissions approachs Hispanic designation.</p>

<p>However, be aware that within the Hispanic pool, there are many factors, including country of origin, that affect how strong the Hispanic impact on admissions decisions may be. For a discussion of this, please see post #2 on this thread and the links it gives to other threads:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>MA and PRs are the most underrepresented Hispanics in the US compared to their abundance in the general population.</p>

<p>Just remembered your earlier thread, in which you ask the same question:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Is there something specific that you are interested in that wasn’t already discussed in that one?</p>


<p>I think you’re right to emphasize that beyond being a URM, there are many factors to admissions. I see so many places on CC where people assume being a URM means an automatic admissions to highly selective schools but this isn’t true.</p>

<p>In my son’s case, being 1/2 Puerto Rican I am sure got him an extra look. However, I think his test scores (over 2300 SAT, several 800s on subject tests), 60 units of college work, graduate level physics research, 4-5 national awards, fantastic letters of recommendation and counselor letter (that I wrote since he’s homeschooled), and his very strong essays (which were graciously edited/commented on for free), had more to do with his being accepted into Princeton than did his being 1/2 Puerto Rican. At least that is my feeling (and hope).</p>

<p>I opt out of race questions on college applications, because I want to enter on my own merit. In a previous post, I stated my father is AA and my mother is PR, my parents speak both Spanish and English. It is really left up to the individual.</p>



<p>I can’t think of anyone here who would disagree. The focus of this forum is to provide information, not to tell people whether or not they should answer ethnicity or race questions. It is important to respect each person’s very personal decision.</p>