Does being from central america count as a urm?

<p>I've heard that you're only an URM if you're puerto rican or mexican. Can someone please clarify this for me?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure all Hispanics are considered URMs, even those from Spain now. At least that’s what the Common App says.</p>

<p>Yes, students who have a background from Central American are Hispanic and therefore considered URM. See the sticky thread about the definition of Hispanic, particularly posts #1 & #47.</p>

<p>However, country of origin is a factor in how Hispanic candidates are evaluated by colleges. MA and PR backgrounds are the most under represented in college (compared to their general proportion in the US), and therefore the most sought after by colleges. Please see this thread for a discussion of some of the factors that are considered within the Hispanic designation, particularly post #2:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


Unless they are from Belize. ;)</p>