Are my scores up to par?

<p>M:750 CR:660 W:770
M2:660 USH:750 CHEM:740
Applying Engineering
Am I in the clear as far as scores go?
What should I retake (speculated possible scores)
SATI- M:750+ CR:700ish W:720-740 down
SATII- M2:750ish USH:750+</p>

<p>Thanks all</p>

<p>Everything is great except for your critical reading score and your math 2. The two of them are gaping flaws in your application and you should definitely get them up. The possible retake scores you posted for them seem about good enough. No need to retake USH.</p>

<p>Stanford only accepts SAT scores no later than December?</p>

<p>Not sure. That’s what I heard.</p>

<p>I’ve heard that the scores are possibly considered
Ahhh I’m pulling my hair out
I have one more retake and i’m not sure whether I should go subject test or SAT</p>

<p>I’d go for your subject tests. I think your SAT Reasoning scores are in the radar.</p>

<p>660 in Math II is below 50th percentile. Not good.</p>

<p>yeah, i got 700 in math II and a 690 in chem, i see that thinking i did really well, then i see my percentile…like 66th percentile</p>