Are Reagan babies non-thinkers?

<p>Are we?</p>

<p>I have to admit that our generation have to step up.We are a generation of non-thinkers.We have not come up with any brilliant ideas or inventions for mankind in general.The only brilliant thing that our generation thrive in is starting website and such.</p>

<p>If you look at the baby boomer generation, you can see how their generation came up with innovations.</p>

<p>I do agree that our generation is more generous and multi-culltural.We have gave away to more charites than our predecessors.</p>

<p>We just have to take the torch and deliver.</p>

<p>Do you think mankind will ever land on the moon?</p>

<p>Psh. Reagan babies.</p>

<p>I’m a Bush baby.</p>

<p>just give us time.
don’t over analyze</p>

<p>We’re only 20-30, and we’ve got a lot to live up to. Give up time to ripen. How many people do you know that completed their life’s magnum opus in their 20s?</p>



<p>prob. not…</p>

<p>I was born during George H.W. Bush’s presidency. Our generation? Sure we are concerned for ourselves.</p>

<p>On a side-note, Ronald Reagan is probably in hell right now. I despise him. The GOP will always underachieve, because of their almost perverse obsession with him. I know several people who when asked of their heroes, would name Jesus and Reagan. I don’t really have a problem with JC, but Reagan was such a ■■■■■■■. /rant</p>

<p>^Might you…elaborate? He is generally considered to be one of the better presidents.</p>

<p>I think Bill Clinton was one of the better presidents.</p>

<p>Reagan broke that air traffic controllers strike in CA, which I am very against as I am very pro-Union. Furthermore, I think that trickle down is bulls***. If you give tax breaks to the rich, they are going to use it to make more money for themselves. Everyone is out for their own self interest. Also, he repealed many of Jimmy Carter’s environmental laws and took solar panels off of the White House. Him re addicting us to Saudi oil put us in the predicament that we are in now. Furthermore, he gets too much credit about the breaking up of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev also played a large role in reforming it.</p>