Are scholarships supposed to show up in mybama?

<p>Ds has received letters about his scholarship offers, but there is nothing about them in his mybama acct. Is that normal or is it something he should call and ask about? If it is normal, when do they show up in the system?</p>


<p>No, it is too early. Scholarships will show up in late spring and students will be asked to “accept” on their mybama account. Not to worry. If your student has the stats the scholarship will eventually show up. If I recall it was mid to late April with the acceptance deadline being in May. Relax while you can.:slight_smile: Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks! Glad to know that there isn’t a problem!</p>

<p>And, for those of you receiving outside scholarships, this often won’t show up until there is a bill to be paid for that semester, so for Fall 2014, that bill won’t appear in mybama account until July 21. See this schedule:
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